Animal Biography

Animal Biography:
General Index

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In the English index, each name appears at least twice: as a free-standing entry, and under its “Tribe”. As originally printed, I and J were alphabetized together, as were U and V. In combining the three volumes, I have separated them, and have treated “æ” as “ae”.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L 
 M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Z

Those marked with an * are varieties of some other species; and those printed in Italics are Synonyms.

Abeille maçonne III.382
—— tapissiere III.376
Acarus autumnal III.473
Actinia Tribe III.542
—— Sea Anemone III.543
—— Purple Anemone III.544
—— Sea Marigold III.547
Adder III.92
Adil I.243
Ai I.104
Aigle, grand II.185
Aigrette I.65
Alagtaga I.470
Albatross Tribe II.517
—— Man-of-war-bird II.517
—— wandering II.517
Albicore III.135
Allouette II.329
Alp II.321
Amphibious Animals III.9
Amsel II.307
Anemone, Sea III.542
—— purple III.544
Animalcules III.597
Ant Lion III.347
Ant Tribe III.402
—— sugar III.413
Ant-eater tribe I.107
—— great I.108
—— Tamandua guacu I.108
—— Tamanoir I.108
Antelope Tribe II.48
—— Chamois II.49
—— Nyl-Ghau II.51
—— Scythian II.54
—— Chamois goat II.49
—— Saiga II.54
—— white footed II.51
Ape-tribe I.35
—— Oran Otan I.40
—— Barbary I.52
—— pigmy I.55
—— Baboon, common I.57
—— —— dog-faced I.60
—— —— * ursine I.61
—— Monkey, Egret I.65
—— —— green I.66
—— —— Chinese I.67
—— —— striated I.69
—— —— preacher I.70
—— —— four-fingered I.75
—— —— fearful I.78
—— —— squirrel I.79
—— —— Cingalese I.80
Ape Barris I.40
—— Chimpanzee I.40
—— Drill I.40
—— great I.40
—— Jocko I.40
—— Magot I.52
—— Man of the Woods I.40
—— Momenet I.52
—— Pitheque I.55
—— Pongo I.40
—— Smitten I.40
—— yellow I.52
Baboon, howling I.70
—— mottled I.57
—— Papion I.57
—— Tartarin I.60
Monkey, Aigrette I.65
—— Bonnet Chinois I.67
—— bush-tailed I.78
—— Caitaia I.79
—— Callitriche I.66
—— Coaita I.75
—— Guariba I.70
—— Keesee-keesee I.79
—— Lesser Cagui I.69
—— Micoo I.75
—— orange I.79
—— L’Ouarine I.70
—— Oustiti I.69
—— Quato I.75
—— Rollewai I.80
—— Saimiri I.79
—— Sanglin I.69
—— Sajou I.78
—— spider I.75
Aphis Tribe III.304
—— rose III.305
Ara vert II.229
Arctic Walrus I.169
Argali II.71
Argil II.456
Argonaut Tribe III.576
—— Paper Nautilus III.577
Asne II.103
Ass II.103
Auk Tribe II.507
—— Puffin II.507
—— Bowger II.507
—— Coulterneb II.507
—— Macareux II.507
Ask III.90
Autruche II.433
Baboon I.57
—— common I.57
—— dog-faced I.60
—— ursine I.61
—— howling I.70
—— mottled I.57
—— Papion I.57
—— Tartarian I.60
Badger I.364
Balbuzzard II.192
Baldbuzzard II.192
Banana bird II.264
Bandicote I.429
Bank martin II.363
Bansticle III.149
Barris I.40
Basket fish III.553
Bat Tribe I.91
—— long-eared I.93
—— vampyre I.97
—— great I.97
—— long-eared English I.93
—— Oreillar I.93
—— Perro volador I.97
—— Roussette I.97
—— ternate I.97
Bayas II.318
Bear Tribe I.345
—— common I.346
—— American I.357
—— Polar I.363
—— Glutton I.370
—— Wolverene I.373
—— Racoon I.376
—— Badger I.380
—— black I.357
—— Blaireu I.380
—— Brock I.380
—— brown I.346
—— Gulo I.370
—— Glouton I.370
—— Jarf I.370
—— Joerven I.370
—— Mapach I.376
—— Ours I.346
—— Ours blanc I.363
—— Quickhatch I.373
—— Le Raton I.376
—— Vielfrass I.370
—— white I.362
Beave Aal III.123
Beaver Tribe I.413
—— common I.413, I.501
—— Castor I.413, I.501
—— Fiber I.413, I.501
—— * hermit I.425
—— Musk I.429
—— * terrier I.425
Bécasse II.462
Bec croise II.313
Bee Tribe III.375
—— poppy III.376
—— leaf-cutting III.377
—— Apis manicata III.380
—— mason III.382
—— Wood-piercer III.386
—— hive III.384
—— carding III.398
—— orange-tailed III.402
—— Abeille maçonne III.382
—— Abeille tapissiere III.376
—— great orange-tailed garden III.402
—— red-tailed III.402
Bengal Sparrow II.318
Bernacle Tribe III.559
—— common III.559
—— goose III.559
Bird of Paradise Tribe II.266
—— greater II.267
—— Oiseau de Paradis II.267
Birds II.149
Bison American II.79
—— d’ Amerique II.79
Bittern II.459
Bittour II.459
Blackbird II.307
Black game II.408
Blaireu I.380
* Bloodhound I.218
Blue Hawk II.198
Boa Tribe III.85
—— great III.85
—— constrictor III.85
—— Le Devin III.85
Bobac I.453
Boiquira III.95
Bombardier III.261
Bonnet Chináis I.67
Booby II.530
Boorong II.456
Boshund I.240, I.492
Bots III.418
Bouc et Chevre II.56
Bouquetin, Bouc-estain, et Boucstein II.59
Boeuf II.73
Bouillot, ou chantre II.345
Bowger II.507
Brasilian green Macaw II.220
—— Pie II.234
Brebis, et Belier II.63
Brock I.380
Brown clock III.233
Buffalo II.79. II.83
—— African II.85
—— American II.79
Buffle II.83
Bug Tribe III.299
—— bed III.300
—— paradoxical III.303
Bulfinch II.321
* Bull-dog I.222
Buse II.193
Bustard Tribe II.426
—— great II.426
—— Outarde II.426
Butcherbird, great II.214
Butor II.459
Butter-bump II.459
Butterfly Tribe III.321
—— large garden white III.322
—— Marsh-frittilary III.323
—— nettle tortoise-shell III.325
—— Greasy frittilary III.323
—— Dishclout III.323
Buzzard, common II.193
Cagui, lesser I.69
Caitaia I.79
Callitriche I.66
Cambing II.456
Camel Tribe II.1
—— Arabian II.2
—— Lama II.11
—— Dromedaire II.2
—— Dromedary II.2
—— Glama II.11
—— Llama II.11
—— one-bunched II.2
Camelopardalis, or Camelopard II.44
Canard sauvage II.501
Canary-bird II.328
Cap-more II.265
Capricorn-beetle Tribe III.255
—— timber III.250
Caracara II.429
Carajou I.321
Cardinal du Cape de bonne Espérance II.316
Carolina tyrant II.217
Carp Tribe III.186
—— common III.186
—— Tench III.189
—— Chub III.193
—— Dace III.194
—— Roach III.195
—— Gold-fish III.196
Castor I.413, I.501
Cat Tribe I.261
—— Lion I.262, I.494
—— Tiger I.283
—— Leopard I.291
—— Hunting Leopard I.293
—— Cape I.291
—— common I.295
—— * Angora I.308
—— * domestic I.297
—— Le Guepard I.293
—— Nsussi I.294
—— Tigre I.283
—— wild I.295
Cataractes II.541
Cavy Tribe I.410
—— restless I.411
—— Cochon d’Inde I.411
—— Guinea Pig I.411
Cayman III.448
Centipede III.516
Cerf II.35
Cetaceous Animals II.129
Chætodon Tribe III.146
—— beaked III.147
—— Jaculator III.147
—— Shooting-fish III.147
Chafer Tribe III.233
—— Cock-chafer III.233
—— Rose Chafer III.239
—— burying III.247
—— pill III.245
—— Blind beetle III.233
—— Brass beetle III.239
—— Brown clock III.233
—— Brown tree beetle III.233
—— Connaught worm III.233
—— Dor III.233
—— Green beetle III.239
—— Jack-horner III.233
—— Jeffry-cock III.233
—— May-bug III.233
—— Millers III.233
—— Rose May-chafer III.239
—— Tree beetle III.233
—— Tumble-dung beetle III.215
Chagal I.243
Chamæleon III.62
Chamois II.49
Chardonneret II.326
Chat Sauvage I.295
—— domestique I.297
—— d’ Angora I.308
Cheese mite III.472
Cheval marin II.114
Chigoe III.469
Chimpanzee I.40
Choucas II.253
Chouette, ou grand cheveche II.211
Chub III.193
Churr worm III.273
Cicada Tribe III.291
—— wax-forming III.293
—— American locust III.295
—— Black-headed Frog-hopper III.229
—— Cuckoo-spit III.229
—— Froth-worm III.229
Cigogne, blanche II.449
Civet I.318
Civette I.318
Civet Cat I.318
Clakis II.493
Coaita I.75
Cobra di capello III.101
Cochineal Tribe III.309
—— lac III.310
—— American III.313
Cochon d’Inde I.410
Cock, domestic II.39
Cock-chafer III.233
Cod Tribe III.133
—— common III.133
—— Haddock III.137
Colk II.499
Combatant, ou Paon de Mer II.466
Commandeur II.262
Condur II.165
Conepate I.314
Coney I.481
Connaught worm III.233
Coq, commun II.396
—— de bruyere II.406
Coracias II.260
Corallines III.491
Corbeau II.237
Corbine II.242
Le Cormoran II.524
Cornish Chough II.260
Cornwall Kae II.260
Corvorant II.524
—— fishing II.533
Coucou II.269
Coucou, indicateur II.277
Cou-jaune II.338
Coulterneb II.507
Crab Tribe III.500
—— land III.501
—— black-clawed III.505
—— hermit III.508
—— Lobster III.511
—— Craw-fish III.514
—— violet III.501
Crake, water II.303
Crampfish III.123, III.215
Crane, common II.446
—— gigantic II.456
Le Crapaud commun III.37
Craw-fish III.514
Creeper Tribe II.292
—— common II.292
—— red II.295
—— Grimpereau II.292
—— Ox-eye II.292
—— Ciseau rouge à bec de Grimpereau II.295
Crick à tete et gorge jaune II.231
Cricket, mole III.273
—— house III.275
—— field III.278
Crocodile III.46, III.52
—— American III.52
Cross-bill II.313
Crow Tribe II.237
—— Raven II.237
—— carrion II.242
—— Rook II.246
—— Jackdaw II.253
—— Jay II.255
—— Magpie II.257
—— cinereous II.259
—— red-legged II.260
—— Choucas II.253
—— Coracias II.260
—— Corbeau II.237
—— Corbine II.242
—— Cornish Chough II.260
—— Cornwall Kae II.260
—— Freux, ou Frayonne II.246
—— Geay II.255
—— —— brun de Canada II.259
—— Geeza II.259
—— Killegrew II.260
—— Pianet II.257
—— Pie II.257
—— sea II.524
—— water II.303
—— Whiskey Jack II.259
Cuckoo Tribe II.268
—— common II.269
—— bee II.277
—— Moroc II.277
—— Coucou II.269
—— —— indicateur II.277
—— Honey Guide II.277
Cuckoo-spit III.298
Cul blanc II.340
Cushat II.377
Cuttle-fish Tribe III.549
Cygne II.483
—— sauvage II.480
Dace III.194
Dama et Dein II.42
Daman Israel I.470
Day-fly, common III.342
Death-watch Ptinus III.248
—— termes III.449
Delphin II.140
Deer Tribe II.17
—— Elk II.18
—— Rein II.25
—— Stag II.35
—— Fallow II.42
—— Cerf II.35
—— Dama et Dein II.42
—— Elan II.18
—— Moose Elk II.18
—— —— Deer II.18
—— red II.35
—— Reme II.25
Deviling II.369
Le Devin III.85
Dew-worm III.532
Dindon II.385
Dishclout III.323
Diver Tribe II.537
—— northern II.537
—— Chinese II.539
—— great-speckled II.537
—— Imbrim II.537
Dog Tribe I.201
—— common I.201
—— * Siberian I.212
—— * Newfoundland I.215
—— * Hound I.217
—— * Blood-hound I.218
—— * Mastiff I.220
—— * Bull-dog I.222
—— * Terrier I.223
—— Wolf I.229
—— Hyæna I.235, I.491
—— Spotted Hyæna I.240, I.492
—— Jackal I.243
—— Barbary Jackal I.246
—— Fox I.248
—— Arctic Pox I.254
—— Adil I.243
—— Boshund I.240, I.492
—— Chagal I.243
—— faithful I.201
—— L’Hyæna I.235, I.491
—— Jachals I.240, I.492
—— Jackal I.240, I.492
—— Isatis I.254
—— Loup I.229
—— Quembengo I.240, I.492
—— Renard I.248
—— Schakal I.243
—— Thaleb I.246
—— Tiger-wolf I.240, I.492
Dolphin Tribe II.138
—— Porpesse II.138
—— Dolphin II.140
—— Grampus II.143
—— Delphin II.140
—— Killer II.143
—— Orca II.143
Dor III.233
Dormouse Tribe I.469
—— common I.470
—— Muscardin I.470
—— Sleeper I.470
—— striped I.462
Dotterel II.472
Dragon-fly Tribe III.337
—— great III.338
—— Great Libellula III.338
—— Variegated Libellula III.338
Drill I.40
Dromedaire II.2
Dromedary II.2
Duck Tribe II.480
—— whistling Swan II.480
—— Tame, or Mute Swan II.483
—— Snow Goose II.486
—— Wild Goose II.487
—— Bernacle II.493
—— Canada Goose II.497
—— eider II.499
—— wild II.501
—— Canard, sauvage II.501
—— Clakis II.493
—— Colk II.499
—— Cuthbert II.499
—— Cygne II.483
—— —— sauvage II.480
—— Dunter Goose II.499
—— Elk II.480
—— Fen Goose II.487
—— Grey-lag Goose II.487
—— Hooper II.480
—— Oye à Cravate II.497
—— —— duvet, ou Eider II.499
—— —— sauvage II.487
—— tame II.501
—— Tame Goose II.487
—— White Brant II.486
—— Wild Swan II.480
Eagle, bearded II.180
—— golden II.185
—— bearded bastard II.180
—— fishing II.192
—— sea II.192. II.542
Earth-worm Tribe III.532
—— Dew-worm III.532
Ear-wig Tribe III.262
—— common III.263
Echasse II.474
Echinus common III.555
—— eatable III.555
Ecuriel I.456
—— noir I.461
—— suisse I.462
Eel Tribe III.118
—— common III.119
—— electrical III.123
—— cold III.123
—— numbing III.123
Effraie, ou Fresaie II.208
Eider Duck II.499
Elephant Tribe I.121
—— great I.122, I.490
Elephant water II.114
Elan II.18
Elk II.18
—— Moose II.18
Emgalo, or Engulo II.125
Epervier II.200
Ephemera Tribe III.341
—— common III.342
Erdhaase I.470
Eve-churr III.273
Faisan II.391
Falcon Tribe II.172
—— secretary II.174
—— Bearded Eagle II.180
—— Golden Eagle II.185
—— Osprey II.192
—— Common Buzzard II.193
—— Hen Harrier II.198
—— Sparrow Hawk II.200
—— chaunting II.201
—— Balbuzzard II.192
—— Bald buzzard II.192
—— Bearded bastard Eagle II.180
—— Blue Hawk II.198
—— Buzzard II.193
—— Epervier II.200
—— Fishing Eagle II.192
—— —— Hawk II.192
—— Grand Aigle II.185
—— Lammer-geyer II.180
—— Le Faucon Chanteur II.201
—— Oiseau S. Martin II.198
—— Orn II.185
——Sea Eagle II.192
—— Secretaire II.174
—— Secretary II.174
—— Vulturine Eagle II.180
Fallow Smich II.340
Faucon chanteur II.201
Fen-cricket III.273
Fiber I.413, I.501
Fieldfare II.306
Finch Tribe II.323
—— common Sparrow II.323
—— Goldfinch II.326
—— Canary II.328
—— Chardonneret II.326
—— House Sparrow II.323
—— Moineau Franc II.323
—— Serin des Canaries II.328
—— Thistlefinch II.326
Fire-Fly Tribe III.259
—— Glow-worm III.259
Fishes III.109
Fishing Hawk II.192
Fiskatta I.314
Fitchet I.329
Flamant II.476
Flamingo Tribe II.476
—— red II.476
—— Flamant II.476
Flat-fish Tribe III.142
—— Turbot III.143
—— Sole III.145
Flea Tribe III.466
—— common III.466
—— Chigoe III.469
Flying-fish Tribe III.174
—— winged III.174
Fly Tribe III.429
—— Common flesh-fly III.431
—— Hessian? III.432
—— cheese III.434
—— chamæleon III.435
—— rat tailed worm III.438
Forest Fly III.421
Fou II.530
—— de Bassan II.527
Foulimart I.329
Foumart I.329
Fox I.248
—— Arctic I.254
Freux, ou Frayonne II.246
Frittilary greasy III.328
Frog-hopper black-headed III.298
Frog Tribe III.21
—— common III.22
—— edible III.27
—— bull III.27
—— tree III.32
—— Common toad III.37
—— Pipa III.43
—— La Crapaud commun III.37
—— esculent III.27
—— green III.27
—— green tree III.32
—— La Grenouille commune, ou mangeable III.27
—— La Mugissante, ou Grenouille Taureau III.29
—— La Reine vert, ou commune III.32
—— Le Pipa, ou Cururu III.43
—— Surinam-Toad III.43
Furia III.528
Gannet II.527
—— Cornish II.541
Geay II.255
—— brun de Canada II.259
Geeza II.259
Gerboa I.470
Gerboise I.470
Gillibowter II.208
Giraffe Tribe II.44
—— Giraffe II.44
—— Camelopardalis, or Camelopard II.44
Glama II.11
Glow-worm III.259
Glouton I.370
Glutton I.370
Gnat Tribe III.442
—— common III.443
—— Musquito fly III.446
Goat Tribe II.56
—— common II.56
—— Ibex II.39
—— Bouc et Chevre II.56
—— Bouquetin, Bouc-estain, et Bouc-stein II.59
—— chamois II.49
—— domestic II.56
—— rock II.59
—— Siberian II.71
—— Steinboc II.59
—— wild II.59
Goeland brun II.541
Goldfinch II.326
Gold-fish III.196
Goose, dunter II.499
—— fen II.487
—— grey lag II.487
—— snow II.486
—— soland II.527
—— tame II.487
—— wild II.487
Goresch II.411
Gossamer III.486
Grampus II.143
Grand duck II.205
—— moqueur II.308
—— pic noir a bec blanc II.283
La Grenouille commune, ou mangeable III.27
Grey-pate I.380
Grimpereau II.292
Grosbeak Tribe II.313
—— Cross-bill II.313
—— cardinal II.315
—— grenadier II.316
—— Abyssinian II.317
—— Bengal II.318
—— sociable II.319
—— Bulfinch II.321
—— Alp II.321
—— Bayas II.317
—— Bec croise II.313
—— Bengal Sparrow II.318
—— Cardinal du Cape de bonne Esperance II.316
—— Grosbec d’ Abyssine II.317
—— —— de Virginie II.315
—— Indian II.318
—— Nope II.321
—— Orchef II.318
—— red II.315
—— Red hoop II.321
—— Shell apple II.313
—— Tonney-hoop II.321
—— Yellow-heuded Indian Sparrow II.318
—— d’ Abyssinie II.317
—— de Virginie II.315
Ground beetle Tribe III.261
—— Bombardier III.261
Grous Tribe II.406
—— ruffed II.406
—— black II.408
—— red II.411
—— Ptarmigan II.412
—— Partridge II.416
—— Quail II.422
—— Coq de Bruyere II.406
—— Lagopede II.412
—— Perdix grise II.400
—— Ruffed Heathcock II.406
—— Snicariper II.412
—— Snoripa II.412
—— White Game II.412
—— Willow Partridge II.412
Grue II.446
Guana, common III.56
—— great American III.56
Guariba I.70
Guepard I.293
Guignard II.472
Guinea-pig I.410
Guinea Sparrow II.222
Guinea worm III.526
Gull Tribe II.540
—— skua II.541
—— brown II.541
—— Cataractes II.541
—— Cornish Gannet II.541
—— Goeland brun II.541
—— Sea Eagle II.541
Gulo I.370
Gymnotus Tribe III.12
—— electrical III.12
—— Beave Aal III.12
—— Cold Eel III.12
—— Cramp fish III.12
—— Electrical Eel III.12
—— Numbing-fish III.12
Haddock III.137
Hair-worm Tribe III.530
—— common III.530
—— water III.530
Hamster I.441
Hamster, German I.441
Hare Tribe I.475
—— common I.475
—— varying I.480
—— Rabbet I.481
—— alpine I.484
—— Coney I.481
—— Lievre I.479
—— Lapin Sauvage I.481
—— mountain I.484
Hargal II.456
Harvest bug III.473
Haut I.104
Hawk, blue II.198
—— fishing II.192
—— Sparrow II.200
Heathcock II.408
Hedgehog Tribe I.401
—— common I.401
—— Herison I.401
—— Common Urchin I.401
Hen Harrier II.198
Heron shaw II.452
Heron Tribe II.445
—— Common Crane II.446
—— White Stork II.449
—— common II.452
—— Gigantic Crane II.456
—— Bittern II.459
—— Argil II.456
—— Bittour II.459
—— Boorong II.456
—— Bumpy-coss II.459
—— Butor II.459
—— Butter-bump II.459
—— Cambing II.456
—— Gigogne blanche II.449
—— Grue II.446
—— Hargal II.456
—— Heronshaw II.452
—— Miredrum II.459
—— Myre dromble II.459
—— Pokhoe II.456
Herring Tribe III.177
—— common III.177
—— Pilchard III.183
Hippopotame II.114
Hippopotamus Tribe II.113
—— amphibious II.114
—— Hippopotame, ou Cheval marin II.114
—— Ker-kamanon II.114
—— River horse II.114
—— Sea horse II.114
—— Water Elephant II.114
Hirondelle a croupien blanc, ou de fenêtre II.358
—— de Chimenee, ou Hirondelle domestique II.351
—— de Rivage II.363
Hog Tribe II.118
—— common II.118
—— Ethiopian II.125
—— African wild boar II.125
—— Emgalo, or Engulo II.125
—— Sanglier et Marcassin II.118
—— wild II.118
—— Wood Swine II.125
Honeysucker, red-throated II.296
Hooper II.480
Horse Tribe II.91
—— common II.91
—— Ass II.103
—— Zebra II.112
—— Asne II.103
—— Cheval II.91
—— Koulan II.103
—— Onager II.103
—— river II.114
—— sea II.114
—— wild II.91
—— Zebre II.112
* Hound I.217
Howlet II.208
Humming-bird Tribe II.295
—— red-throated II.296
—— Red-throated Honey-sucker II.296
—— Rubis II.296
Hyæna I.235, I.491
—— spotted I.240, I.492
Hyæna, striped I.235, I.491
Ibex II.59
Ichneumon I.311
—— Egyptian I.311
Ichneumon Tribe III.358
—— manifestator III.354
L’Iguane III.56
Imbrim II.537
Indian bird, scarlet feathered II.262
Insects III.221
Isatis I.254
Jacare III.52
Jackal I.243
Jackal, Barbary I.246
Jackdaw II.253
Jack-horner III.233
Jaculator III.147
Jarf I.370
Jay II.253
Jeffry-cock III.235
Jerboa Tribe I.470
—— Siberian I.470
—— Alagtaga I.470
—— Daman Israel I.470
—— Erdhaase I.470
—— Egyptian I.470
—— Gerboa I.470
—— Gerboise I.470
—— gigantic I.387
Jocko I.40
Joerven I.370
Kanguroo Tribe I.386
—— great I.387
—— gigantic I.387
Keesee-keesee I.79
Killegrew II.260
Killer II.143
Kingfisher Tribe II.288
—— common II.288
—— European II.288
—— Martin pecheur ou Alcyon II.288
Kinkajou I.321
Kitty wren II.343
Lagopede II.412
Lama II.11
Lamantin I.177
Lammer geyer II.180
Lantern-fly tribe III.289
—— great III.289
Lapin Sauvage I.481
Lapwing II.468
Lark Tribe II.329
—— ſky II.329
—— allouette II.329
—— field II.329
Le Devin III.85
Leech Tribe III.535
—— medicinal III.535
Lemming I.436
Lemur Tribe I.86
—— slow I.86
—— Tailless Macauco I.86
—— Loris I.86
—— Thevangua, or Tatonneur I.86
Leopard I.291
—— hunting I.293
Lepidopterous Insects III.317
Libellula great III.338
—— variegated III.338
Lievere I.479
Limax spinning III.538
Lion I.262, I.494
Littorne ou Tourdelle II.306
Lizard Tribe III.45
—— Crocodile III.46, III.52
—— Alligator III.52
—— Common Guana III.56
—— nimble III.56
—— Chamæleon III.69
—— Salamander III.67
—— warty III.70
—— American Crocodile III.52
—— Cayman III.46
—— Le Caméleon III.62
—— Le Crocodile proprement dit III.62
—— Jacare III.52
—— L’Iguane III.56
—— Leguana III.56
—— Le Lezard gris III.59
—— little brown III.59
—— Nilotic Crocodile III.46
—— scaly III.45
Lobster III.511
Locust Tribe III.272
—— Mole-cricket III.273
—— House-cricket III.275
—— Field-cricket III.278
—— migratory III.281
—— American III.295
—— Churr-worm III.273
—— Eve churr III.273
—— Fen-cricket III.273
Long legs II.474
Loris I.86
Loup I.229
Louse Tribe III.463
—— common III.464
Loutre I.336
Luyart I.104
Macareux II.507
Macauco, tailless I.86
Macaw, Brasilian green II.220
Mackrel Tribe III.152
—— common III.152
—— Thunny III.155
—— Albicore III.155
—— great III.155
—— Spanish III.155
—— Mackrel-sture III.155
Madge howlet II.208
Magot I.52
Magpie II.257
—— mountain II.214
Manati Tribe I.168
—— Arctic Walrus I.169
—— whale-tailed I.175
—— round-tailed I.177
—— * Sea Ape I.180
—— Lamantin I.177
—— Morse I.169
—— Morskuia korowa I.175
—— Rosmarus I.169
—— Sea Cow I.177
—— Sea Horse I.169
—— Walross I.169
—— Walrus I.169
Manchot sauteur II.511
Mangouste, great I.311
Manque II.165
Man of the Woods I.40
Man-of-war bird II.517
Mantis Tribe III.267
—— orator III.268
—— dry-leaf III.272
—— religiosa III.268
Mapach I.376
Maracana II.220
Marder I.324
Marigold sea III.547
Marmot Tribe I.448
—— alpine I.448
—— Bobac I.453
—— common I.448
—— German I.441
—— Lapland I.436
—— Marmotte I.448
Marte I.324
Martin II.358
—— black II.369
—— sand II.363
—— bank II.363
—— house II.358
—— pecheur, ou Alcyon II.288
Martin, Pine I.324
Martinet II.358
—— noir II.369
Martlet II.358
* Mastiff I.220
Mattages II.214
May-bug III.233
Merle II.307
—— d’eau II.303
Messange de Pologne, ou Remiz II.347
Micoo I.75
Millers III.233
Miredrum II.459
Mocking bird II.308
Moineau franc II.323
Mole Tribe I.391
—— common I.392
—— European I.392
—— Mold-warp I.392
—— Taupe I.392
—— Want I.392
Mold-warp I.392
Momenet I.52
Monkey, Egret I.65
—— green I.66
—— Chinese I.67
—— striated I.69
—— preacher I.70
—— four-fingered I.75
—— fearful I.78
—— squirrel I.79
—— Cingalese I.80
—— Aigrette I.65
—— Bonnet Chinoise I.67
—— bush-tailed I.78
—— Caitaia I.79
—— Callitriche I.66
—— Coaita I.75
—— Guariba I.70
—— Keesee-keesee I.79
—— Lesser Cagui I.69
—— Micoo I.75
—— Orange I.79
—— Oustiti I.69
—— L’Ouarine I.70
—— Quato I.75
—— Rollewai I.80
—— Saimiri I.79
—— Sajou I.78
—— Sanglin I.69
—— spider I.75
Moor-cock II.411
Moose deer II.18
—— elk II.18
Moroc II.277
Morse I.169
Morskuia korowa I.175
Moth Tribe III.329
—— Silkworm III.329
—— clothes III.334
Mouse, field I.433
—— harvest I.434
—— bean I.433
—— long-tailed field I.433
—— less Long-tailed field I.434
—— Mulot I.433
—— economic I.439
—— wood I.483
Mouton d’ Arabie II.69
Moufflon II.71
Mouton de Barbarie II.69
La Mugissante, ou Grenouille Taureau III.29
Mulot I.483
Murdering pie II.214
Musc II.14
Muscardin I.470
Muscle Tribe III.572
—— edible III.573
—— pearl III.575
Musk Tribe II.14
—— Thibetian II.14
—— Musc II.14
—— Thibet II.14
Musquash I.429
* Musquito-fly III.446
Myre dromble II.459
Myrmeleon Tribe III.346
—— Ant-Lion III.347
Mysticete, great II.133
Nautilus, paper III.577
Nereis Tribe III.540
—— night-shining III.540
Nightjar II.214
Nightingale II.333
—— mock II.308
Nine killer II.216
Nope II.321
Nsussi I.294
Nut beetle III.254
Nutbreaker II.285
Nutjobber II.285
Nuthatch Tribe II.285
—— European II.285
—— Nutbreaker II.285
—— Nutjobber II.285
—— Sittelle, ou Torchepot II.285
—— Woodcracker II.285
Nyl Ghau II.51
Oestrus or Gad-fly Tribe III.417
—— ox III.418
—— horse III.421
—— sheep III.424
Oiseau de Paradis II.267
—— tempete II.515
—— S. Martin II.198
Ondatra I.429
Opossum Tribe I.382
—— Virginian I.383
—— Merian I.385
—— Philandre de Surinam I.385
—— Surinam I.385
Oran Otan I.40
Orca II.143
Orchef II.318
Oreillar I.93
Oriole Tribe II.262
—— red-winged II.262
—— icteric II.264
—— weaver II.265
—— Cap more II.265
—— Commandeur II.262
—— Scarlet-feathered Indian bird II.262
—— Red winged Starling II.262
—— Red bird II.262
—— Troupiale II.264
—— Banana bird II.264
—— Large Banana bird II.264
—— Yellow and black pie II.264
Orn II.185
Ornithorynchus paradoxus I.165
Osprey II.192
Ostrich Tribe II.432
—— black II.433
—— Autruche II.433
Otter Tribe I.335
—— common I.336
—— sea I.343
—— greater I.336
—— Loutre I.336
L’Ouarine I.70
Outarde II.426
Ours I.346
—— blanc I.363
Oustiti I.69
Ouzel, water II.303
Owl Tribe II.203
—— great horned II.205
—— white II.208
—— brown II.211
—— barn II.208
—— Chouette, on grand Chevêche II.211
—— church II.208
—— common II.208
—— eagle II.205
—— Effraie, ou Fresaie II.208
—— Gillihowter II.208
—— Grand duc II.205
—— great II.205
—— —— brown II.211
—— —— eared II.205
—— grey II.211
—— hissing II.208
—— Howlet II.208
—— Madge Howlet II.208
—— screech II.208
Ox Tribe II.73
—— common II.73
—— American Bison II.79
—— Buffalo II.83
—— Cape Buffalo II.85
—— African Buffalo II.85
—— American Buffalo II.79
—— Bison d’Amerique II.79
—— Boeuf II.73
—— Buffalo II.83
—— Buffle II.83
Oye a cravate II.497
—— duvet, ou Eider II.499
—— sauvage II.47
Oyster Tribe III.507
—— edible III.507
—— Scallop III.571
Papion I.57
Parrakeet, red-headed Guinea II.222
Parrot Tribe II.219
—— Brasilian green Macaw II.220
—— Ethiopian II.222
—— aſh-coloured II.225
—— yellow-winged II.231
—— Ara-vert II.220
—— Crick à tête et gorge jaune II.231
—— Guinea Sparrow II.222
—— hoary II.225
—— little red-headed II.222
—— Maracana II.220
—— Peroquet cendre, ou Jaco II.225
—— Perruche à tête rouge de Guinée II.222
—— red II.225
—— Red-headed guinea Parrakeet II.222
Partridge II.416
—— willow II.412
Pelecan Tribe II.520
—— white II.520
—— Corvorant II.524
—— Gannet II.527
—— Booby II.530
—— Fishing Corvorant II.533
—— red-backed II.535
—— Cormoran II.524
—— Fou II.530
—— —— de Bassan II.527
—— great II.520
—— Sea crow II.524
—— Soland goose II.527
Penguin Tribe II.511
—— crested II.512
—— Manchot sauteur II.512
Perch Tribe III.158
—— common III.158
Perdix grise II.416
Pero volador I.97
Perroquet cendre, ou Jaco II.225
Perruche à tête rouge de Guinée II.22
Petit Deuil II.349
—— pluvier, ou guignard II.472
Petit gris I.459
Petrel Tribe II.511
—— stormy II.511
—— little II.511
—— Oiseau de tempete II.511
—— Stormfinch II.511
Pheasant Tribe II.391
—— common II.391
—— Domestic cock II.396
—— Coq ccmmun II.396
—— Faisan II.391
Philandre de Surinam I.385
Pholas Tribe III.560
—— dactyle III.561
Phoque I.182
Pianet II.257
Pic de Virginie II.284
—— noir II.282
Pickerel III.171
Pie II.257
—— griesche grise II.214
—— yellow and black II.264
Piet water II.303
Pigeon Tribe II.372
—— wild II.374
—— Ring-dove II.377
—— passenger II.379
—— Cushat II.397
—— migratory II.379
—— de Passage II.379
—— ramier II.377
—— Queest II.377
—— ring II.377
—— Rockier II.374
—— Stock Dove II.374
Pike Tribe III.170
—— common III.171
—— Pickerel III.171
Pilchard III.183
Pipa III.43
Pitheque I.55
Platypus Tribe I.164
—— duck-billed I.165
—— Ornithorynchus paradoxus I.165
Plover Tribe II.472
—— Dotterel II.472
—— Long-legged or stilt II.474
—— bastard II.468
—— Echasse II.468
—— Longlegs II.468
—— Petit Pluvier ou Guignard II.472
Pokkoe II.456
Polatouche I.465, I.467
Polype III.593
—— green III.593
Pongo I.40
Porcupine Tribe I.405
—— common I.405, I.500
—— crested I.405, I.500
—— Porc-epic I.405, I.500
Porc-epic I.405, I.500
Porpesse II.138
Pricklebag III.140
Ptarmigan II.412
Ptinus Tribe III.248
—— death-watch III.248
Puffin Auk II.507
Quato I.75
Queest II.377
Quickhatch I.373
Quimichpatlan I.465
Quincajou I.321
Quumbengo I.240, I.492
Rabbet I.481
Raccoon I.376
Ram II.63
Rat Tribe I.426
—— musk I.427
—— brown, or Norway I.429
—— Field Mouse I.433
—— Harvest Mouse I.434
—— Lemming I.436
—— Economic I.439
—— Hamster I.441
—— Bandicote I.429
—— Hamster German I.441
—— Leming I.486
—— Lemmus I.486
—— Marmot Lapland I.486
—— Mouse, bean I.433
—— Mouse, long-tailed field I.433
—— Mouse, less long-tailed field I.484
—— Mouse, economic I.439
—— Mouse, wood I.433
—— Mulot I.433
—— Musk-rat, Canadian I.427
—— Musquash I.427
—— Ondatra I.427
—— Surmulot I.429
—— Tegoulichitek I.439
Ratel I.316
Le Raton I.376
Rattle-snake Tribe III.74
—— banded III.75
—— Boiquira III.75
Raven II.237
Ray Tribe III.214
—— electric III.215
—— Torpedo III.215
—— Cramp-fish III.215
Razor-shell Tribe III.565
Red bird II.262
Red breast II.341
Red game II.411
Rein Deer II.25
La Reine vert, ou commune III.32
Renard I.248
Renne II.25
Rhinoceros Tribe I.109
—— single-horned I.110, I.487
—— two-horned I.114
Ring-dove II.377
River-horse II.114
Roach III.105
Rockier II.374
Rollewai I.80
Rook II.246
Rosmarus I.169
Le Rossignol II.333
Le Rouge gorge II.341
La Rousse, la Muette III.22
Roussetie I.97
Rubis II.296
Ruddock II.341
Ruff and Reeve II.466
Sable I.326
Saiga II.54
Saimiri I.79
Sajou I.78
Salamander III.67
Salangana II.365
Salmon Tribe III.161
—— common III.161
—— Trout III.167
Sand Martin II.363
Sand-piper Tribe II.466
—— Ruff and Reeve II.466
—— Lapwing II.468
—— Bastard Plover II.468
—— Combatant, ou Paon de Mer II.466
—— Vanneau II.468
Sand-wasp Tribe III.360
—— common III.360
—— blue III.362
Sanglier et Marcassin II.118
Sanglin I.69
Schakal I.243
Scolopendra Tribe III.516
—— Centipede III.516
—— great III.516
Scorpion Tribe III.497
—— common III.498
Sea Ape I.180
—— Calf I.182
—— Cat I.190
—— Cow I.177
—— Eagle II.192, II.541
—— Elephant II.114
—— Horse I.169
—— Horse II.114
—— Lion I.195, I.197
Sea stars III.552
Seal Tribe I.181
—— common I.182
—— ursine I.190
—— bottle-nosed I.195
—— Leonine I.197
—— Phoque I.182
—— Sea Calf I.182
—— Sea Cat I.190
—— Sea Lion I.195, I.197
Sea-urchin Tribe III.555
—— common III.555
—— Common Echinus III.555
—— Eatable Echinus III.555
Serin des Canaries II.328
Serpents III.73
Shark Tribe III.205
—— white III.206
—— basking III.212
Sharpling III.149
Sheep Tribe II.62
—— common II.63
—— Icelandic II.68
—— * broad-tailed II.69
—— Argali II.71
—— Barbary II.69
—— Brebis et Belier II.63
—— many-horned II.68
—— Mouton d’Arabie II.69
—— —— de Barbarie II.69
—— Ram II.63
—— Siberian Goat II.71
—— Tunis II.69
—— wild II.71
Shell apple II.313
Shooting fish III.147
Shore bird II.363
Shrike Tribe II.213
—— great II.214
—— tyrant II.217
—— Carolina tyrant II.217
—— French pie II.214
—— Gobe-mouche de la Caroline II.217
—— Great butcher-bird II.214
—— great cinereous II.214
—— Mattages II.214
—— Mountain Magpie II.214
—— Murdering pie II.214
—— Nightjar II.214
—— Nine-killer II.216
—— Piegriesche grise II.214
—— Skreek II.214
—— White Whiskey-John II.214
—— Wierangle II.214
Siberian Goat II.71
Sittelle, ou Torchepot II.285
Skreek II.214
Skunk I.314
—— striped I.314
Sky-lark II.324
Sleeper I.469
Sloth Tribe I.103
Sloth, three-toed I.104
—— Ai I.104
—— Haut I.104
—— Luyart I.104
Slug Tribe III.537
—— spinning III.538
Smitten I.40
Snail Tribe III.579
—— garden III.585
—— esculent III.587
Snake Tribe III.91
—— Common Viper III.92
—— common III.96
—— hooded III.101
—— black III.103
—— Adder III.92
—— Cobra di capello III.101
—— English Viper III.92
—— Knot III.103
—— Le Lin III.103
—— ringed III.96
—— spectacle III.101
—— Vipère III.92
Snipe Tribe II.462
—— Woodcock II.462
—— Bécasse II.462
Snoripa II.412
Soland Goose II.527
Sole III.145
Sparrow, common II.323
—— Bengal II.318
—— Guinea II.222
—— yellow-headed Indian II.318
Sparrow-hawk II.200
Sphex Tribe III.358
—— Turner savage III.359
Spider Tribe III.474
—— house III.475
—— garden III.480
—— wandering III.484
—— jumping III.484
—— water III.485
—— Gossamer III.486
—— Tarantula III.492
—— bird-catching III.495
Spunge III.591
—— officinal III.592
Squirrel Tribe I.455
—— common I.456
—— grey I.459
—— black I.461
—— striped I.462
—— American flying I.465
—— European flying I.467
—— Dormouse striped I.462
—— Ecuriel I.456
—— Ecuriel noir I.461
—— Ecuriel Suisse I.402
—— flying I.465, I.467
—— ground I.462
—— Petit gris I.459
—— Polatouche I.465, I.467
—— Quimichpatlan I.465
—— Suisse I.462
Stag II.35
Stare Tribe II.301
—— Starling II.301
—— water ouzel II.303
—— Merle d’eau II.303
—— Water Crake II.303
—— —— Crow, or Piet II.303
Star-fish Tribe III.552
—— arborescent III.553
—— Magellanic III.553
—— Basket-fish III.553
—— branched asterias III.553
—— Medusa III.553
Starling II.301
—— red-winged II.262
Steinboc II.59
Stock Dove II.374
Stork, white II.449
Stormfinch II.515
Strunt-vogel II.169
Sturgeon Tribe III.200
—— common III.200
Stickleback Tribe III.149
—— three spined III.149
—— Banstikle III.149
—— Pricklebag III.149
—— Sharpling III.149
Sucking-fish Tribe III.139
—— common III.139
Surinam Opossum I.385
Surmulot I.429
Swallow Tribe II.349
—— chimney II.357
—— Martin II.358
—— Sand Martin II.363
—— Esculent II.365
—— Black Martin II.369
—— Swift II.369
—— Bank Martin II.363
—— Deviling II.369
—— Hirondelle a croupien blanc ou de fenêtre II.358
—— —— de Chimenée ou Hirondelle domestique II.351
—— —— de Rivage II.363
—— House Martin II.358
—— Salangane II.365
—— sand II.363
—— Shore bird II.363
—— window II.358
Swan, whistling II.480
—— tame, or mute II.483
—— wild II.480
Swift II.369
Sword-fish Tribe III.129
—— broad-finned III.130
—— Indian III.130
Tæniæ III.520
Tamandua I.108
Tamanoir I.108
Tape-worm Tribe III.520
—— common III.523
Tarantula III.492
Tartarin I.60
Tatonneur I.86
Taupe I.392
Taylor bird II.346
Tegoulichitek I.439
Tench III.189
Termes Tribe III.449
—— death-watch III.449
—— White ants III.451
* Terrier I.223
Thaleb I.246
Thevangua I.86
Thread-worm Tribe III.525
—— Indian or Guinea-worm III.526
Thrush Tribe II.306
—— Fieldfare II.306
—— Blackbird II.307
—— Mockingbird II.308
—— locust-eating II.311
—— Amsel II.307
—— Grand Moqueur II.308
—— Littorne, ou Tourdelle II.306
—— Merle II.307
—— mimic II.308
—— Mock Nightingale II.308
—— Solitary Sparrow II.308
Tick Tribe III.471
—— Cheese mite III.472
—— Harvest bug III.473
—— Autumnal acarus III.473
Tiger I.283, I.497
Tiger-cat of the Cape of Good Hope I.294
Tiger bush-cat I.294
Tiger-wolf I.240, I.492
Tipula or Crane-fly Tribe III.424
—— Wheat-fly III.424
Titmouse Tribe II.346
—— penduline II.347
—— Cape II.349
—— Mésange de Poligne, ou Remiz II.347
—— mountain II.347
—— penduline II.347
—— Petit Deuil II.349
Toad, common III.37
—— Surinam III.43
Torpedo III.115
Tortoise Tribe III.5
—— common III.7
—— snake III.12
—— Green Turtle III.14
—— Loggerhead Turtle III.18
—— Imbricated Turtle III.20
—— common Green Turtle III.14
—— common Land III.7
—— common III.14
—— esculent III.14
—— Greek III.7
—— serrated III.12
—— snapping III.12
Toucan Tribe II.233
—— red bellied II.234
—— Brasilian pie II.234
—— Preacher II.234
—— a ventre rouge II.234
Tourne pierre
Tree beetle III.233
—— brown III.233
Troglodyte II.343
Troupiale II.264
Trout III.107
Trumpeter Tribe II.428
—— gold-breasted II.429
—— Caracara II.429
Tumble-dung beetle III.245
Turbot III.143
Turkey Tribe II.384
—— American or common II.385
—— Dindon II.385
—— New England wild II.385
Turkey Buzzard II.169
Turtle, green III.14
—— loggerhead III.18
—— imbricated III.20
—— common III.14
—— common green III.14
—— esculent III.14
Urchin, common I.401
Vanneau II.468
Vautour de Brésil II.169
Vibrio III.600
—— eel III.600
—— proteus III.600
Vielfrass I.370
Viper III.92
—— English III.92
Volvox bulla III.601
Vorticella III.599
Vulture Tribe II.163
—— Condur II.163
—— carrion II.169
—— Carrion Crow II.169
—— Magellanic II.165
—— Manque II.165
—— Secretary II.174
—— Strunt-vogel II.169
—— Turkey buzzard II.169
—— Vautour de Brésil II.169
Wagtail, common II.339
—— black and white II.339
—— pied II.339
—— white II.339
Walfish II.133
Walrus Tribe I.168
—— arctic I.169
Walross I.169
Want I.292
Warbler Tribe II.333
—— Nightingale II.333
—— pensile II.338
—— Common Wagtail II.339
—— Wheat-ear II.340
—— Red-breast II.341
—— Wren II.343
—— Willow Wren II.345
—— Taylor bird II.346
—— Bouillot, ou Chantre II.345
—— Cou-jaune II.338
—— Cul blanc II.338
—— Fallow Smich II.338
—— Green Wren II.345
—— Kitty-wren II.343
—— Le Rossignol II.333
—— Le Rouge gorge II.341
—— Pied Wagtail II.339
—— Ruddock II.341
—— Small yellow bird II.345
—— Troglodyte II.343
—— White rump II.340
—— White tail II.340
—— White Wagtail II.339
—— Yellow Wren II.345
Warbles III.418
Wasp Tribe III.365
—— common III.366
Water Birds II.443
Weesel Tribe I.310
—— Ichneumon I.311
—— striated I.314
—— honey, or Ratel I.316
—— Civet I.318
—— Mexican, or Kinkajou I.321
—— Martin, pine I.324
—— Sable I.326
—— common I.329
—— Carajou I.321
—— Civet Cat I.318
—— Civette I.318
—— Conepate I.314
—— Fiskatta I.314
—— Fitchet I.329
—— Foulimart I.329
—— Foumart I.329
—— Ichneumon, Egyptian I.311
—— Kinkajou I.321
—— Mangouste, great I.311
—— Marder I.324
—— Marte I.324
—— Quincajou I.321
—— Skunk I.314
—— Striped Skunk I.314
—— Whitred I.329
—— Whitret I.329
—— Zibelline I.326
Weevil Tribe III.251
—— corn III.252
—— nut III.254
—— Nut beetle III.254
Whales II.129
Whale Tribe II.132
—— common II.133
—— Great Mysticete II.133
—— Walfish II.133
Whale-fishery II.145
Wheatear II.340
Whiskey Jack II.259
—— John, white II.214
White Ants III.451
White Brant II.486
—— -game II.412
—— -rump II.340
—— -tail II.340
Whitred I.329
Whitret I.329
Wierangle II.214
Wild Boar II.118
—— African II.125
Willow Wren II.345
Wolf I.229
Wolverine I.373
Woodcock II.462
Woodpecker Tribe II.281
—— black II.282
—— white-billed II.283
—— red-headed II.284
—— Grand pic noir à bec blanc II.283
—— greatest black II.282
—— largest white-billed II.203
—— Pic de Virginie II.284
—— —— Noir II.282
Wood Swine II.125
Worms III.519
Wormuls III.418
Wornuls III.418
Wren II.343
—— green II.345
—— kitty II.343
—— willow II.345
—— yellow II.345
Zebra II.112 and
vol. 1. 502
Zibelline I.326
Zoophytes III.590


Since Bingley’s book is arranged on the Linnaean system, this section of the Index will be in strict volume-and-page order, except in the rare case of alternative binomials (italicized as in the English index). Where an animal has two widely separated page numbers, the second number points to the Appendix.

Simia Genus I.35
—— Satyrus I.40
—— Inuus I.52
—— Sylvanus I.55
—— Sphinx I.57
—— Hamadryas I.60
—— —— var. I.61
—— Aygula I.65
—— Sabæa I.66
—— Sinica I.67
—— Iacchus I.69
—— Beelzebul I.70
—— Paniscus I.75
—— Trepida I.78
—— Sciurea I.79
—— Troglodytes I.40
Lemur Genus I.86
—— Tardigradus I.86
Vespertilio Genus I.91
—— Auritus I.93
—— Vampyrus I.97
Bradypus Genus I.103
—— tridactylus I.104
Myrmecophaga Genus I.107
—— Jubata I.108
Rhinoceros Genus I.109
—— Unicornis I.111, I.487
—— Bicornis I.114
Elephas Genus I.121
—— maximus I.122, I.490
Platypus Genus I.164
—— anatinus I.165
Trichechus Genus I.168
—— Rosmarus I.169
—— Borealis I.175
—— Manatus I.177
Phoca Genus I.181
—— vitulina I.181
—— ursina I.190
—— leonina I.195
—— jubata I.197
Canis Genus I.201
—— familiaris I.201
—— lupus I.229
—— hyæna I.235, I.491
—— crocuta I.240, I.492
—— aureus I.243
—— barbarus I.246
—— vulpes I.248
—— Lagopus I.254
Felis Genus I.261
—— Leo I.262, I.494
—— Tigris I.283, I.497
—— Leopardus I.291
—— Jubata I.293
—— Capensis I.294
—— Catus I.295
—— —— var. Angorensis I.308
Viverra Genus I.310
—— Ichneumon I.311
—— putorius I.314
—— Mellivora I.316
—— Civetta I.318
—— Prehensilis I.321
—— Martes I.324
—— Zibellina I.326
—— vulgaris I.329
Mustela Martes I.324
—— Zibellina I.326
—— vulgaris I.329
—— lutra I.336
—— lutris I.343
Lutra Genus I.335
—— vulgaris I.336
—— marina I.343
I.512 Ursus Genus I.345
—— Arctos I.346
—— Americanus I.357
—— Maritimus I.363
—— gulo I.370
—— luscus I.373
—— lotor I.376
—— meles I.380
Didelphis Genus I.382
—— virginiana I.383
—— Dorsigera I.385
—— marsupialis I.383
—— opossum I.383
—— gigantea I.389
Macropus Genus I.386
—— major I.389
—— giganteus I.389
Talpa Genus I.391
—— Europæa I.391
Erinaceus Genus I.401
—— Europæus I.401
Hystrix Genus I.405
—— cristata I.405, I.500
Cavia Genus I.410
—— Cobaya I.411
Castor Genus I.413
—— fiber I.414, I.504
—— zibethicus I.414, I.501
Mus Genus I.426
—— zibethicus I.427
—— decumanus I.429
—— sylvaticus I.433
—— messorius I.434
—— lemmus I.436
—— œconomicus I.439
—— cricetus I.441
—— marmota I.448
Arctomys Genus I.448
—— marmota I.448
—— bobac I.453
Sciurus Genus I.455
—— vulgaris I.456
—— cinereus I.459
—— niger I.461
—— striatus I.462
—— volucella I.465
—— volans I.467
Myoxus Genus I.463
—— muscardinus I.469
Dipus Genus I.470
—— jaculus I.470
Lepus Genus I.475
—— timidus I.475
—— variabilis I.480
—— cuniculus I.481
—— alpinus I.484
Volume II begins here
II.552 Pecora. II.1
Camelus Genus II.1
—— dromedarius II.2
—— glama II.11
Moschus Genus II.14
—— moschiferus II.14
Cervus Genus II.17
—— alces II.18
—— tarandus II.25
—— elapbus II.35
—— dama II.42
Camelopardalis Genus II.44
—— giraffa II.44
Antilope Genus II.48
—— rupicapra II.49
—— picta II.51
—— saiga II.54
Capra Genus II.56
—— hircus II.56
—— ibex II.59
Ovis Genus II.62
—— aries II.63
—— * polycerata II.68
—— * laticaudata II.69
—— ammon II.71
Bos Genus II.73
—— taurus II.73
—— Americanus II.79
—— bubalus II.83
—— Cafer II.85
Belluæ. II.91
Equus Genus II.91
—— caballos II.91
—— asinus II.103
—— zebra II.112 and
vol. i. 502
Hippopotamus Genus II.113
—— amphibious II.114
Sus Genus II.118
—— scrofa II.118
—— Æthiopicus II.125
Cetæ. II.129
Balæna Genus II.132
—— mysticetus II.133
Delphinus Genus II.138
—— phocœna II.138
—— delphis II.140
—— orca II.143
Accipitres. II.163
Vultur Genus II.163
—— gryphus II.165
—— aura II.162
Falco Genus II.172
—— serpentarius II.174
—— barbatus II.180
—— chrysaëtos II.185
—— haliaëtos II.192
—— buteo II.193
—— cyaneus II.198
—— nisus II.200
Strix Genus II.203
—— bubo II.205
—— flammea II.208
—— ulula II.211
Picæ. II.213
Lanius Genus II.213
—— excubitor II.214
—— tyrannus II.217
Psittacus Genus II.219
—— severus II.220
—— pullarius II.222
—— erithacus II.225
—— ochropterus II.231
Ramphastos Genus II.233
—— picatus II.234
Corvus Genus II.237
—— corax II.237
—— corone II.242
—— frugilegus II.246
—— monedula II.253
—— glandarius II.255
—— pica II.257
—— Canadensis II.259
—— graculus II.260
II.553 Oriolus Genus II.262
—— Phoeniceus II.262
—— icterus II.264
—— textor II.265
Paradisea Genus II.266
—— apoda II.267
Cuculus Genus II.268
—— canorus II.269
—— indicator II.277
Picus Genus II.281
—— martius II.282
—— Principalis II.283
—— erythrocephalus II.284
Sitta Genus II.285
—— Europæa II.285
Alcedo Genus II.288
—— ispida II.288
Certhia Genus II.292
—— familiaris II.292
—— Mexicana II.295
Trochilus Genus II.295
—— colubris II.296
Sturnus Genus II.301
—— vulgaris II.301
—— cinclus II.303
Turdus Genus II.306
—— pilaris II.306
—— merula II.307
—— polyglottus II.308
—— gryllivorus II.311
Loxia Genus II.313
—— curvirostra II.313
—— cardinalis II.315
—— Abyssinica II.317
—— Bengalensis II.318
—— Socia II.319
—— pyrrhula II.321
Fringilla Genus II.323
—— domestica II.323
—— carduelis II.327
—— canaria II.328
Alauda Genus II.329
—— arvensis II.329
Motacilla Genus II.333
—— luscinia II.333
—— pensilis II.338
—— alba II.339
—— oenanthe II.340
—— rubecula II.341
—— troglodytes II.343
—— trochilus II.343
—— sutoria II.346
Parus Genus II.346
—— pendulinus II.347
—— Capensis II.349
Hirundo Genus II.349
—— rustica II.351
—— urbica II.358
—— riparia II.363
—— esculenta II.365
—— apus II.369
Columba Genus II.372
—— oenas II.374
—— palumbus II.377
—— migratoria II.379
Meleagris Genus II.384
—— gallopavo II.385
Phasianus Genus II.391
—— colchicus II.391
—— gallus II.396
Tetrao Genus II.406
—— umbellus II.406
—— tetrix II.408
—— scoticus II.411
—— lagopus II.412
—— perdix II.416
—— coturnix II.422
Otis Genus II.426
—— tarda II.426
Psophia Genus II.428
—— crepitans II.429
Struthio Genus II.432
—— camelus II.433
Ardea Genus II.445
—— grus II.446
—— ciconia II.449
—— cinerea II.452
—— dubia II.456
—— stellaris II.459
Scolopax Genus II.462
—— rusticola II.462
Tringa Genus II.466
—— pugnax II.466
—— vanellus II.468
Charadrius Genus II.472
—— morinellus II.472
—— himantopus II.474
Phœnicopterus Genus II.476
—— ruber II.479
Anas Genus II.480
—— cygnus II.480
—— olor II.483
—— hyperborea II.486
II.554 —— anser II.487
—— erythropus II.493
—— Canadensis II.497
—— mollissima II.499
—— boschas II.501
Alca Genus II.507
—— arctica II.507
Aptenodytes Genus II.511
—— chrysocome II.512
Procellaria Genus II.515
—— pelagica II.515
Diomedia Genus II.517
—— exulans II.517
Pelecanus Genus II.520
—— onocrotalus II.520
—— carbo II.524
—— bassanus II.527
—— sula II.530
—— Sinensis II.533
—— rufescens II.536
Colymbus Genus II.537
—— glacialis II.537
—— sinensis II.539
Larus Genus II.541
—— cataractes II.542
Volume III begins here
Reptilia III.4
Testudo Genus III.5
—— græca III.7
—— serpentina III.12
—— mydas III.14
—— caretta III.18
—— imbricata III.20
Rana Genus III.21
—— temporaria III.22
—— esculenta III.27
—— Catesbeiana III.29
—— arborea III.32
—— bufo III.37
—— pipa III.43
—— Ocellata?? III.29
—— bilineata III.32
Lacerta Genus III.45
—— crocodilus III.46
—— Alligator III.52
—— iguana III.56
—— agilis III.59
—— chamæleon III.62
—— salamandra III.67
—— palustris III.70
Serpentes III.73
Crotalus Genus III.74
—— horridus III.75
Boa Genus III.85
—— constrictor III.85
Coluber Genus III.91
—— berus III.92
—— natrix III.96
—— naja III.101
—— constrictor III.103
Muræna Genus III.118
—— anguilla III.119
Gymnotus Genus III.123
—— electricus III.123
Xiphias Genus III.129
—— platypterus III.130
Gadus Genus III.133
—— morhua III.133
—— eglesinus III.137
Echeneis Genus III.139
—— remora III.139
Pleuronectes Genus III.142
—— maximus III.143
—— solea III.145
Chætodon Genus III.146
—— rostratus III.147
—— enceladus III.147
Gasterosteus Genus III.149
—— aculeatus III.149
Scomber Genus III.152
—— scomber III.152
—— thynnus III.155
Perca Genus III.158
—— fluviatilis III.158
Salmo Genus III.161
—— salar III.161
—— fario III.167
Esox Genus III.170
—— lucius III.171
Exocœtus Genus III.174
—— volitans III.174
Clupea Genus III.177
—— harengus III.177
—— pilcardus III.183
Cyprinus Genus III.186
—— carpio III.186
—— tinca III.189
—— cephalus III.195
—— leuciscus III.194
—— rutilus III.195
—— auratus III.196
III.611 Chondropterygii.
Accipenser Genus III.200
—— strurio III.200
Squalus Genus III.205
—— carcharias III.206
—— maximus III.212
Raia Genus III.214
—— torpedo III.215
Scarabæus Genus III.233
—— melolontha III.233
—— auratus III.239
—— morticinii III.241
—— pilularius III.245
Ptinus Genus III.248
—— pulsator III.248
—— fatidicus III.248
Curculio Genus III.251
—— granarius III.252
—— nucum III.254
Cerambyx Genus III.255
—— violaceus III.256
Lampyris Genus III.259
—— noctiluca III.259
Carabus Genus III.261
—— crepitans III.261
Forficula Genus III.262
—— auricularia III.263
Mantis Genus III.267
—— oratoria III.268
—— siccifolia III.272
—— religiosa III.267
Gryllus Genus III.272
—— gryllotalpa III.274
—— domesticus III.275
—— campestris III.278
—— migratorius III.281
Fulgora Genus III.289
—— lanternaria III.289
Cicada Genus III.291
—— limbata III.293
—— septendecim III.295
—— spumaria III.298
Cimex Genus III.299
—— lectularius III.300
—— paradoxus III.303
Aphis Genus III.304
—— rosæ III.305
Coccus Genus III.309
—— ficus III.310
—— cacti III.314
Lepidoptera III.317
Papilio Genus III.321
—— brassicæ III.322
—— artemis III.323
—— urticæ III.325
Phalæna Genus III.329
—— mori III.329
—— sarcitella III.334
Libellula Genus III.347
—— grandis III.338
Ephemera Genus III.341
—— vulgata III.342
Myrmeleon Genus III.346
—— formicarius III.347
Ichneumon Genus III.353
—— manifestator III.354
Sphex Genus III.358
—— spirifex III.359
—— sabulosa III.369
Ammophila Genus III.360
—— vulgaris III.360
—— cyanea III.362
—— Pensylvannica III.364
Vespa Genus III.365
—— vulgaris III.366
Apis Genus III.375
—— papaveris III.376
—— centuncularis III.377
—— manicata III.380
—— violacea III.386
—— mellifica III.389
—— muscorum III.398
—— lapidaria III.402
Formica Genus III.402
—— saccharivora III.413
Oestrus Genus III.417
—— bovis III.418
—— equi III.421
—— ovis III.424
III.612 Tipula Genus III.425
—— tritici III.425
Musca Genus III.429
—— carnaria III.431
—— pumilionis III.432
—— putris III.434
—— chamæleon III.435
—— pendula III.438
Culex Genus III.442
—— pipiens III.443
Termes Genus III.449
—— pulsatorium III.449
—— fatale III.451
Pediculus Genus III.463
—— humanus III.463
Pulex Genus III.466
—— irritans III.466
—— penetrans III.469
Acarus Genus III.471
—— siro III.472
—— autumnalis III.473
Aranea Genus III.474
—— domestica III.475
—— horticola III.480
—— viatica III.484
—— scenica III.484
—— aquatica III.485
—— obtextrix? III.486
—— tarantula III.492
—— avicularia III.494
—— nidulans III.495
Scorpio Genus III.497
—— afer III.498
Cancer Genus III.500
—— ruricola III.501
—— pagurus III.505
—— bernhardus III.508
—— gammarus III.511
—— astacus III.514
Scolopendra Genus III.516
—— morsitans III.516
Tænia Genus III.520
—— solium III.523
Filaria Genus III.525
—— medinensis III.526
Furia Genus III.528
—— infernalis III.528
Gordius Genus III.530
—— aquaticus III.530
Lumbricus Genus III.532
—— terrestris III.532
Hirudo Genus III.535
—— medicinalis III.535
Limax Genus III.537
—— agrestis III.538
Nereis Genus III.540
—— noctiluca III.540
Actinia Genus III.542
—— anemonoides III.543
—— rufa III.544
—— calendula III.547
Sepia Genus III.549
Asterias Genus III.552
—— medusæ III.553
Echinus Genus III.555
—— esculentus III.555
Lepas Genus III.559
Pholas Genus III.560
—— dactylus III.561
Solen Genus III.565
Ostrea Genus III.567
—— edulis III.567
—— maxima III.571
Mytilus Genus III.572
—— edulis III.573
—— margaritiferens III.575
Argonauta Genus III.576
—— argo III.577
Helix Genus III.579
—— hortensis III.585
—— pomatia III.587
Zoophyta III.590
Animalcula III.597

Notes and Corrections

English Index

Synonyms in the Index are not always spelled the same as in the body text. Unless one of the two is clearly wrong (“domesic cat”), I have left them as I found them.

spelling unchanged, here and below

[Bear Tribe] Joerven
text has Jæerven
[Here and below, if it had been printed “Jærven” I would have left it, but the sequence -æe- is clearly a mistake.]

text has Boqiuira

[Cat Tribe] domestic
text has domesic

[Cavy Tribe] Cochon d’Inde
text has Cochen

Crampfish   123. 215
[Not two separate articles, but two different animals (electric eel, electric ray) with the same synonym.]

Crick à tete et gorge jauné
text has Creck

Crocodile   46. 52
[The second page—here, and again under Lizard—is the Alligator, or “American Crocodile”]

[Dog Tribe] Boshund
text has Boshoud

text has Dottrel

[Frog Tribe] La Crapaud commun
text unchanged

text has Hadock

text has Hippotame

[Hippopotamus Tribe] Hippopotame, ou Cheval marin
text has Hippotame

text has Jæerven
[The entry was alphabetized as (mis)spelled. I have moved it to its proper location.]

[Lark Tribe] allouette
spelling unchanged

[Lemur Tribe] Tailless Macauco
text has Tailles

spelling unchanged; body text has Lievre

[Lizard Tribe] Leguana
text has Leguand

Marigold sea   547
text has 233 [Really.]

[Alphabetized as shown (between Mouton d’Arabie and Mouton de Barbarie).]

[Owl Tribe] Effraie, ou Fresaie   208
page number missing

Pero volador
text has Perovolador

[Pie Tribe] griesche grise
[Printed as shown. The bird’s name is Piegrische grise—a shrike, not a pie—which explains why it is fifty pages away from the surrounding listings.]

Rat Tribe
[Entries under this head were alphabetized as shown.]

[Scolopendra Tribe] Centipede
text has Centepede

Scorpion Tribe   497
text has 479

Sea Eagle   192. 541
[In its previous index listing, under Eagle, the secondary page reference was given as 542.]

Sloth, three-toed   104
text has 103
[This applies to the three sub-entries as well, since they were printed as “ib.”]

[Snake Tribe] Le Lin
text has Lien
[As long as I was correcting typos, I put this and the preceding “Knot” into italics, since they’re both listed in a Synonyms footnote.]

[Sparrow Tribe] Guinea   222
[The page reference is not an error; the “Guinea Sparrow” is a parrot.]

[Tick Tribe] Harvest bug   473
text has 451
[The synonym on the next line, Autumnal acarus, was printed “ib.”, so that would have been wrong too.]

Tourne pierre
[If this Index entry in Volume II had included a page reference, I might have been able to figure out what he means. But it didn’t, so I couldn’t.]

[Warbler Tribe] Cou-jaune
text has Cou-janue

Zebra   112 and vol. 1. 502
[The second page reference means the Appendix]

Linnaean Index: Volume II

[Moschus Genus] moschiferus
text has moschiferous

[Ardea Genus] cinerea   452
text has 552

[Anas Genus] erythropus
text has erythopus
[The species name is also misspelled in the main text.]

Linnaean Index: Volume III

[Rana Genus] Ocellata??
[Question marks in the original, both here and in the main text (in a Synonyms footnote).]

[Gadus Genus] eglesinus
text unchanged: error for æglefinus

[Scarabæus Genus] auratus   239
text has 209

[Ammophila Genus] Pensylvannica
spelling unchanged
[I don’t think Bingley ever did get this species name right.]

[Aranea Genus] horticola   480
word “horticola” missing
[Since this part of the Index is in strict sequential order, there is no doubt about what was left out.]

[Aranea Genus] obtextrix?
[Question mark in the original. This is the Gossamer Spider, which never did get pinned down to a single binomial.]

Final erratum: At the very end of the book, the printer goofed. Pages 609, 611 and 612 were printed 577, 579 and 580—the numbers these final Index pages had in the first edition. (610, the former 578, escaped because it has a section heading instead of a page number.)

The original of this text is in the public domain—at least in the U.S.
My notes are copyright, as are all under-the-hood elements.
If in doubt, ask.