In the English index, each name appears at least twice: as a free-standing entry, and under its “Tribe”. As originally printed, I and J were alphabetized together, as were U and V. In combining the three volumes, I have separated them, and have treated “æ” as “ae”.
Those marked with an * are varieties of some other species; and those printed in Italics are Synonyms.
Page. | |
Abeille maçonne | III.382 |
—— tapissiere | III.376 |
Acarus autumnal | III.473 |
Actinia Tribe | III.542 |
—— Sea Anemone | III.543 |
—— Purple Anemone | III.544 |
—— Sea Marigold | III.547 |
Adder | III.92 |
Adil | I.243 |
Ai | I.104 |
Aigle, grand | II.185 |
Aigrette | I.65 |
Alagtaga | I.470 |
Albatross Tribe | II.517 |
—— Man-of-war-bird | II.517 |
—— wandering | II.517 |
Albicore | III.135 |
Allouette | II.329 |
Alp | II.321 |
Amphibious Animals | III.9 |
Amsel | II.307 |
Anemone, Sea | III.542 |
—— purple | III.544 |
Animalcules | III.597 |
Ant Lion | III.347 |
Ant Tribe | III.402 |
—— sugar | III.413 |
Ant-eater tribe | I.107 |
—— great | I.108 |
—— Tamandua guacu | I.108 |
—— Tamanoir | I.108 |
Antelope Tribe | II.48 |
—— Chamois | II.49 |
—— Nyl-Ghau | II.51 |
—— Scythian | II.54 |
—— Chamois goat | II.49 |
—— Saiga | II.54 |
—— white footed | II.51 |
Ape-tribe | I.35 |
—— Oran Otan | I.40 |
—— Barbary | I.52 |
—— pigmy | I.55 |
—— Baboon, common | I.57 |
—— —— dog-faced | I.60 |
—— —— * ursine | I.61 |
—— Monkey, Egret | I.65 |
—— —— green | I.66 |
—— —— Chinese | I.67 |
—— —— striated | I.69 |
—— —— preacher | I.70 |
—— —— four-fingered | I.75 |
—— —— fearful | I.78 |
—— —— squirrel | I.79 |
—— —— Cingalese | I.80 |
Ape Barris | I.40 |
—— Chimpanzee | I.40 |
—— Drill | I.40 |
—— great | I.40 |
—— Jocko | I.40 |
—— Magot | I.52 |
—— Man of the Woods | I.40 |
—— Momenet | I.52 |
—— Pitheque | I.55 |
—— Pongo | I.40 |
—— Smitten | I.40 |
—— yellow | I.52 |
Baboon, howling | I.70 |
—— mottled | I.57 |
—— Papion | I.57 |
—— Tartarin | I.60 |
Monkey, Aigrette | I.65 |
—— Bonnet Chinois | I.67 |
—— bush-tailed | I.78 |
—— Caitaia | I.79 |
—— Callitriche | I.66 |
—— Coaita | I.75 |
—— Guariba | I.70 |
—— Keesee-keesee | I.79 |
—— Lesser Cagui | I.69 |
—— Micoo | I.75 |
—— orange | I.79 |
—— L’Ouarine | I.70 |
—— Oustiti | I.69 |
—— Quato | I.75 |
—— Rollewai | I.80 |
—— Saimiri | I.79 |
—— Sanglin | I.69 |
—— Sajou | I.78 |
—— spider | I.75 |
Aphis Tribe | III.304 |
—— rose | III.305 |
Ara vert | II.229 |
Arctic Walrus | I.169 |
Argali | II.71 |
Argil | II.456 |
Argonaut Tribe | III.576 |
—— Paper Nautilus | III.577 |
Asne | II.103 |
Ass | II.103 |
Auk Tribe | II.507 |
—— Puffin | II.507 |
—— Bowger | II.507 |
—— Coulterneb | II.507 |
—— Macareux | II.507 |
Ask | III.90 |
Autruche | II.433 |
Baboon | I.57 |
—— common | I.57 |
—— dog-faced | I.60 |
—— ursine | I.61 |
—— howling | I.70 |
—— mottled | I.57 |
—— Papion | I.57 |
—— Tartarian | I.60 |
Badger | I.364 |
Balbuzzard | II.192 |
Baldbuzzard | II.192 |
Banana bird | II.264 |
Bandicote | I.429 |
Bank martin | II.363 |
Bansticle | III.149 |
Barris | I.40 |
Basket fish | III.553 |
Bat Tribe | I.91 |
—— long-eared | I.93 |
—— vampyre | I.97 |
—— great | I.97 |
—— long-eared English | I.93 |
—— Oreillar | I.93 |
—— Perro volador | I.97 |
—— Roussette | I.97 |
—— ternate | I.97 |
Bayas | II.318 |
Bear Tribe | I.345 |
—— common | I.346 |
—— American | I.357 |
—— Polar | I.363 |
—— Glutton | I.370 |
—— Wolverene | I.373 |
—— Racoon | I.376 |
—— Badger | I.380 |
—— black | I.357 |
—— Blaireu | I.380 |
—— Brock | I.380 |
—— brown | I.346 |
—— Gulo | I.370 |
—— Glouton | I.370 |
—— Jarf | I.370 |
—— Joerven | I.370 |
—— Mapach | I.376 |
—— Ours | I.346 |
—— Ours blanc | I.363 |
—— Quickhatch | I.373 |
—— Le Raton | I.376 |
—— Vielfrass | I.370 |
—— white | I.362 |
Beave Aal | III.123 |
Beaver Tribe | I.413 |
—— common | I.413, I.501 |
—— Castor | I.413, I.501 |
—— Fiber | I.413, I.501 |
—— * hermit | I.425 |
—— Musk | I.429 |
—— * terrier | I.425 |
Bécasse | II.462 |
Bec croise | II.313 |
Bee Tribe | III.375 |
—— poppy | III.376 |
—— leaf-cutting | III.377 |
—— Apis manicata | III.380 |
—— mason | III.382 |
—— Wood-piercer | III.386 |
—— hive | III.384 |
—— carding | III.398 |
—— orange-tailed | III.402 |
—— Abeille maçonne | III.382 |
—— Abeille tapissiere | III.376 |
—— great orange-tailed garden | III.402 |
—— red-tailed | III.402 |
Bengal Sparrow | II.318 |
Bernacle Tribe | III.559 |
—— common | III.559 |
—— goose | III.559 |
Bird of Paradise Tribe | II.266 |
—— greater | II.267 |
—— Oiseau de Paradis | II.267 |
Birds | II.149 |
Bison American | II.79 |
—— d’ Amerique | II.79 |
Bittern | II.459 |
Bittour | II.459 |
Blackbird | II.307 |
Black game | II.408 |
Blaireu | I.380 |
* Bloodhound | I.218 |
Blue Hawk | II.198 |
Boa Tribe | III.85 |
—— great | III.85 |
—— constrictor | III.85 |
—— Le Devin | III.85 |
Bobac | I.453 |
Boiquira | III.95 |
Bombardier | III.261 |
Bonnet Chináis | I.67 |
Booby | II.530 |
Boorong | II.456 |
Boshund | I.240, I.492 |
Bots | III.418 |
Bouc et Chevre | II.56 |
Bouquetin, Bouc-estain, et Boucstein | II.59 |
Boeuf | II.73 |
Bouillot, ou chantre | II.345 |
Bowger | II.507 |
Brasilian green Macaw | II.220 |
—— Pie | II.234 |
Brebis, et Belier | II.63 |
Brock | I.380 |
Brown clock | III.233 |
Buffalo | II.79. II.83 |
—— African | II.85 |
—— American | II.79 |
Buffle | II.83 |
Bug Tribe | III.299 |
—— bed | III.300 |
—— paradoxical | III.303 |
Bulfinch | II.321 |
* Bull-dog | I.222 |
Buse | II.193 |
Bustard Tribe | II.426 |
—— great | II.426 |
—— Outarde | II.426 |
Butcherbird, great | II.214 |
Butor | II.459 |
Butter-bump | II.459 |
Butterfly Tribe | III.321 |
—— large garden white | III.322 |
—— Marsh-frittilary | III.323 |
—— nettle tortoise-shell | III.325 |
—— Greasy frittilary | III.323 |
—— Dishclout | III.323 |
Buzzard, common | II.193 |
Cagui, lesser | I.69 |
Caitaia | I.79 |
Callitriche | I.66 |
Cambing | II.456 |
Camel Tribe | II.1 |
—— Arabian | II.2 |
—— Lama | II.11 |
—— Dromedaire | II.2 |
—— Dromedary | II.2 |
—— Glama | II.11 |
—— Llama | II.11 |
—— one-bunched | II.2 |
Camelopardalis, or Camelopard | II.44 |
Canard sauvage | II.501 |
Canary-bird | II.328 |
Cap-more | II.265 |
Capricorn-beetle Tribe | III.255 |
—— timber | III.250 |
Caracara | II.429 |
Carajou | I.321 |
Cardinal du Cape de bonne Espérance | II.316 |
Carolina tyrant | II.217 |
Carp Tribe | III.186 |
—— common | III.186 |
—— Tench | III.189 |
—— Chub | III.193 |
—— Dace | III.194 |
—— Roach | III.195 |
—— Gold-fish | III.196 |
Castor | I.413, I.501 |
Cat Tribe | I.261 |
—— Lion | I.262, I.494 |
—— Tiger | I.283 |
—— Leopard | I.291 |
—— Hunting Leopard | I.293 |
—— Cape | I.291 |
—— common | I.295 |
—— * Angora | I.308 |
—— * domestic | I.297 |
—— Le Guepard | I.293 |
—— Nsussi | I.294 |
—— Tigre | I.283 |
—— wild | I.295 |
Cataractes | II.541 |
Cavy Tribe | I.410 |
—— restless | I.411 |
—— Cochon d’Inde | I.411 |
—— Guinea Pig | I.411 |
Cayman | III.448 |
Centipede | III.516 |
Cerf | II.35 |
Cetaceous Animals | II.129 |
Chætodon Tribe | III.146 |
—— beaked | III.147 |
—— Jaculator | III.147 |
—— Shooting-fish | III.147 |
Chafer Tribe | III.233 |
—— Cock-chafer | III.233 |
—— Rose Chafer | III.239 |
—— burying | III.247 |
—— pill | III.245 |
—— Blind beetle | III.233 |
—— Brass beetle | III.239 |
—— Brown clock | III.233 |
—— Brown tree beetle | III.233 |
—— Connaught worm | III.233 |
—— Dor | III.233 |
—— Green beetle | III.239 |
—— Jack-horner | III.233 |
—— Jeffry-cock | III.233 |
—— May-bug | III.233 |
—— Millers | III.233 |
—— Rose May-chafer | III.239 |
—— Tree beetle | III.233 |
—— Tumble-dung beetle | III.215 |
Chagal | I.243 |
Chamæleon | III.62 |
Chamois | II.49 |
Chardonneret | II.326 |
Chat Sauvage | I.295 |
—— domestique | I.297 |
—— d’ Angora | I.308 |
Cheese mite | III.472 |
Cheval marin | II.114 |
Chigoe | III.469 |
Chimpanzee | I.40 |
Choucas | II.253 |
Chouette, ou grand cheveche | II.211 |
Chub | III.193 |
Churr worm | III.273 |
Cicada Tribe | III.291 |
—— wax-forming | III.293 |
—— American locust | III.295 |
—— Black-headed Frog-hopper | III.229 |
—— Cuckoo-spit | III.229 |
—— Froth-worm | III.229 |
Cigogne, blanche | II.449 |
Civet | I.318 |
Civette | I.318 |
Civet Cat | I.318 |
Clakis | II.493 |
Coaita | I.75 |
Cobra di capello | III.101 |
Cochineal Tribe | III.309 |
—— lac | III.310 |
—— American | III.313 |
Cochon d’Inde | I.410 |
Cock, domestic | II.39 |
Cock-chafer | III.233 |
Cod Tribe | III.133 |
—— common | III.133 |
—— Haddock | III.137 |
Colk | II.499 |
Combatant, ou Paon de Mer | II.466 |
Commandeur | II.262 |
Condur | II.165 |
Conepate | I.314 |
Coney | I.481 |
Connaught worm | III.233 |
Coq, commun | II.396 |
—— de bruyere | II.406 |
Coracias | II.260 |
Corallines | III.491 |
Corbeau | II.237 |
Corbine | II.242 |
Le Cormoran | II.524 |
Cornish Chough | II.260 |
Cornwall Kae | II.260 |
Corvorant | II.524 |
—— fishing | II.533 |
Coucou | II.269 |
Coucou, indicateur | II.277 |
Cou-jaune | II.338 |
Coulterneb | II.507 |
Crab Tribe | III.500 |
—— land | III.501 |
—— black-clawed | III.505 |
—— hermit | III.508 |
—— Lobster | III.511 |
—— Craw-fish | III.514 |
—— violet | III.501 |
Crake, water | II.303 |
Crampfish | III.123, III.215 |
Crane, common | II.446 |
—— gigantic | II.456 |
Le Crapaud commun | III.37 |
Craw-fish | III.514 |
Creeper Tribe | II.292 |
—— common | II.292 |
—— red | II.295 |
—— Grimpereau | II.292 |
—— Ox-eye | II.292 |
—— Ciseau rouge à bec de Grimpereau | II.295 |
Crick à tete et gorge jaune | II.231 |
Cricket, mole | III.273 |
—— house | III.275 |
—— field | III.278 |
Crocodile | III.46, III.52 |
—— American | III.52 |
Cross-bill | II.313 |
Crow Tribe | II.237 |
—— Raven | II.237 |
—— carrion | II.242 |
—— Rook | II.246 |
—— Jackdaw | II.253 |
—— Jay | II.255 |
—— Magpie | II.257 |
—— cinereous | II.259 |
—— red-legged | II.260 |
—— Choucas | II.253 |
—— Coracias | II.260 |
—— Corbeau | II.237 |
—— Corbine | II.242 |
—— Cornish Chough | II.260 |
—— Cornwall Kae | II.260 |
—— Freux, ou Frayonne | II.246 |
—— Geay | II.255 |
—— —— brun de Canada | II.259 |
—— Geeza | II.259 |
—— Killegrew | II.260 |
—— Pianet | II.257 |
—— Pie | II.257 |
—— sea | II.524 |
—— water | II.303 |
—— Whiskey Jack | II.259 |
Cuckoo Tribe | II.268 |
—— common | II.269 |
—— bee | II.277 |
—— Moroc | II.277 |
—— Coucou | II.269 |
—— —— indicateur | II.277 |
—— Honey Guide | II.277 |
Cuckoo-spit | III.298 |
Cul blanc | II.340 |
Cushat | II.377 |
Cuttle-fish Tribe | III.549 |
Cygne | II.483 |
—— sauvage | II.480 |
Dace | III.194 |
Dama et Dein | II.42 |
Daman Israel | I.470 |
Day-fly, common | III.342 |
Death-watch Ptinus | III.248 |
—— termes | III.449 |
Delphin | II.140 |
Deer Tribe | II.17 |
—— Elk | II.18 |
—— Rein | II.25 |
—— Stag | II.35 |
—— Fallow | II.42 |
—— Cerf | II.35 |
—— Dama et Dein | II.42 |
—— Elan | II.18 |
—— Moose Elk | II.18 |
—— —— Deer | II.18 |
—— red | II.35 |
—— Reme | II.25 |
Deviling | II.369 |
Le Devin | III.85 |
Dew-worm | III.532 |
Dindon | II.385 |
Dishclout | III.323 |
Diver Tribe | II.537 |
—— northern | II.537 |
—— Chinese | II.539 |
—— great-speckled | II.537 |
—— Imbrim | II.537 |
Dog Tribe | I.201 |
—— common | I.201 |
—— * Siberian | I.212 |
—— * Newfoundland | I.215 |
—— * Hound | I.217 |
—— * Blood-hound | I.218 |
—— * Mastiff | I.220 |
—— * Bull-dog | I.222 |
—— * Terrier | I.223 |
—— Wolf | I.229 |
—— Hyæna | I.235, I.491 |
—— Spotted Hyæna | I.240, I.492 |
—— Jackal | I.243 |
—— Barbary Jackal | I.246 |
—— Fox | I.248 |
—— Arctic Pox | I.254 |
—— Adil | I.243 |
—— Boshund | I.240, I.492 |
—— Chagal | I.243 |
—— faithful | I.201 |
—— L’Hyæna | I.235, I.491 |
—— Jachals | I.240, I.492 |
—— Jackal | I.240, I.492 |
—— Isatis | I.254 |
—— Loup | I.229 |
—— Quembengo | I.240, I.492 |
—— Renard | I.248 |
—— Schakal | I.243 |
—— Thaleb | I.246 |
—— Tiger-wolf | I.240, I.492 |
Dolphin Tribe | II.138 |
—— Porpesse | II.138 |
—— Dolphin | II.140 |
—— Grampus | II.143 |
—— Delphin | II.140 |
—— Killer | II.143 |
—— Orca | II.143 |
Dor | III.233 |
Dormouse Tribe | I.469 |
—— common | I.470 |
—— Muscardin | I.470 |
—— Sleeper | I.470 |
—— striped | I.462 |
Dotterel | II.472 |
Dragon-fly Tribe | III.337 |
—— great | III.338 |
—— Great Libellula | III.338 |
—— Variegated Libellula | III.338 |
Drill | I.40 |
Dromedaire | II.2 |
Dromedary | II.2 |
Duck Tribe | II.480 |
—— whistling Swan | II.480 |
—— Tame, or Mute Swan | II.483 |
—— Snow Goose | II.486 |
—— Wild Goose | II.487 |
—— Bernacle | II.493 |
—— Canada Goose | II.497 |
—— eider | II.499 |
—— wild | II.501 |
—— Canard, sauvage | II.501 |
—— Clakis | II.493 |
—— Colk | II.499 |
—— Cuthbert | II.499 |
—— Cygne | II.483 |
—— —— sauvage | II.480 |
—— Dunter Goose | II.499 |
—— Elk | II.480 |
—— Fen Goose | II.487 |
—— Grey-lag Goose | II.487 |
—— Hooper | II.480 |
—— Oye à Cravate | II.497 |
—— —— duvet, ou Eider | II.499 |
—— —— sauvage | II.487 |
—— tame | II.501 |
—— Tame Goose | II.487 |
—— White Brant | II.486 |
—— Wild Swan | II.480 |
Eagle, bearded | II.180 |
—— golden | II.185 |
—— bearded bastard | II.180 |
—— fishing | II.192 |
—— sea | II.192. II.542 |
Earth-worm Tribe | III.532 |
—— Dew-worm | III.532 |
Ear-wig Tribe | III.262 |
—— common | III.263 |
Echasse | II.474 |
Echinus common | III.555 |
—— eatable | III.555 |
Ecuriel | I.456 |
—— noir | I.461 |
—— suisse | I.462 |
Eel Tribe | III.118 |
—— common | III.119 |
—— electrical | III.123 |
—— cold | III.123 |
—— numbing | III.123 |
Effraie, ou Fresaie | II.208 |
Eider Duck | II.499 |
Elephant Tribe | I.121 |
—— great | I.122, I.490 |
Elephant water | II.114 |
Elan | II.18 |
Elk | II.18 |
—— Moose | II.18 |
Emgalo, or Engulo | II.125 |
Epervier | II.200 |
Ephemera Tribe | III.341 |
—— common | III.342 |
Erdhaase | I.470 |
Eve-churr | III.273 |
Faisan | II.391 |
Falcon Tribe | II.172 |
—— secretary | II.174 |
—— Bearded Eagle | II.180 |
—— Golden Eagle | II.185 |
—— Osprey | II.192 |
—— Common Buzzard | II.193 |
—— Hen Harrier | II.198 |
—— Sparrow Hawk | II.200 |
—— chaunting | II.201 |
—— Balbuzzard | II.192 |
—— Bald buzzard | II.192 |
—— Bearded bastard Eagle | II.180 |
—— Blue Hawk | II.198 |
—— Buzzard | II.193 |
—— Epervier | II.200 |
—— Fishing Eagle | II.192 |
—— —— Hawk | II.192 |
—— Grand Aigle | II.185 |
—— Lammer-geyer | II.180 |
—— Le Faucon Chanteur | II.201 |
—— Oiseau S. Martin | II.198 |
—— Orn | II.185 |
——Sea Eagle | II.192 |
—— Secretaire | II.174 |
—— Secretary | II.174 |
—— Vulturine Eagle | II.180 |
Fallow Smich | II.340 |
Faucon chanteur | II.201 |
Fen-cricket | III.273 |
Fiber | I.413, I.501 |
Fieldfare | II.306 |
Finch Tribe | II.323 |
—— common Sparrow | II.323 |
—— Goldfinch | II.326 |
—— Canary | II.328 |
—— Chardonneret | II.326 |
—— House Sparrow | II.323 |
—— Moineau Franc | II.323 |
—— Serin des Canaries | II.328 |
—— Thistlefinch | II.326 |
Fire-Fly Tribe | III.259 |
—— Glow-worm | III.259 |
Fishes | III.109 |
Fishing Hawk | II.192 |
Fiskatta | I.314 |
Fitchet | I.329 |
Flamant | II.476 |
Flamingo Tribe | II.476 |
—— red | II.476 |
—— Flamant | II.476 |
Flat-fish Tribe | III.142 |
—— Turbot | III.143 |
—— Sole | III.145 |
Flea Tribe | III.466 |
—— common | III.466 |
—— Chigoe | III.469 |
Flying-fish Tribe | III.174 |
—— winged | III.174 |
Fly Tribe | III.429 |
—— Common flesh-fly | III.431 |
—— Hessian? | III.432 |
—— cheese | III.434 |
—— chamæleon | III.435 |
—— rat tailed worm | III.438 |
Forest Fly | III.421 |
Fou | II.530 |
—— de Bassan | II.527 |
Foulimart | I.329 |
Foumart | I.329 |
Fox | I.248 |
—— Arctic | I.254 |
Freux, ou Frayonne | II.246 |
Frittilary greasy | III.328 |
Frog-hopper black-headed | III.298 |
Frog Tribe | III.21 |
—— common | III.22 |
—— edible | III.27 |
—— bull | III.27 |
—— tree | III.32 |
—— Common toad | III.37 |
—— Pipa | III.43 |
—— La Crapaud commun | III.37 |
—— esculent | III.27 |
—— green | III.27 |
—— green tree | III.32 |
—— La Grenouille commune, ou mangeable | III.27 |
—— La Mugissante, ou Grenouille Taureau | III.29 |
—— La Reine vert, ou commune | III.32 |
—— Le Pipa, ou Cururu | III.43 |
—— Surinam-Toad | III.43 |
Furia | III.528 |
Gannet | II.527 |
—— Cornish | II.541 |
Geay | II.255 |
—— brun de Canada | II.259 |
Geeza | II.259 |
Gerboa | I.470 |
Gerboise | I.470 |
Gillibowter | II.208 |
Giraffe Tribe | II.44 |
—— Giraffe | II.44 |
—— Camelopardalis, or Camelopard | II.44 |
Glama | II.11 |
Glow-worm | III.259 |
Glouton | I.370 |
Glutton | I.370 |
Gnat Tribe | III.442 |
—— common | III.443 |
—— Musquito fly | III.446 |
Goat Tribe | II.56 |
—— common | II.56 |
—— Ibex | II.39 |
—— Bouc et Chevre | II.56 |
—— Bouquetin, Bouc-estain, et Bouc-stein | II.59 |
—— chamois | II.49 |
—— domestic | II.56 |
—— rock | II.59 |
—— Siberian | II.71 |
—— Steinboc | II.59 |
—— wild | II.59 |
Goeland brun | II.541 |
Goldfinch | II.326 |
Gold-fish | III.196 |
Goose, dunter | II.499 |
—— fen | II.487 |
—— grey lag | II.487 |
—— snow | II.486 |
—— soland | II.527 |
—— tame | II.487 |
—— wild | II.487 |
Goresch | II.411 |
Gossamer | III.486 |
Grampus | II.143 |
Grand duck | II.205 |
—— moqueur | II.308 |
—— pic noir a bec blanc | II.283 |
La Grenouille commune, ou mangeable | III.27 |
Grey-pate | I.380 |
Grimpereau | II.292 |
Grosbeak Tribe | II.313 |
—— Cross-bill | II.313 |
—— cardinal | II.315 |
—— grenadier | II.316 |
—— Abyssinian | II.317 |
—— Bengal | II.318 |
—— sociable | II.319 |
—— Bulfinch | II.321 |
—— Alp | II.321 |
—— Bayas | II.317 |
—— Bec croise | II.313 |
—— Bengal Sparrow | II.318 |
—— Cardinal du Cape de bonne Esperance | II.316 |
—— Grosbec d’ Abyssine | II.317 |
—— —— de Virginie | II.315 |
—— Indian | II.318 |
—— Nope | II.321 |
—— Orchef | II.318 |
—— red | II.315 |
—— Red hoop | II.321 |
—— Shell apple | II.313 |
—— Tonney-hoop | II.321 |
—— Yellow-heuded Indian Sparrow | II.318 |
—— d’ Abyssinie | II.317 |
—— de Virginie | II.315 |
Ground beetle Tribe | III.261 |
—— Bombardier | III.261 |
Grous Tribe | II.406 |
—— ruffed | II.406 |
—— black | II.408 |
—— red | II.411 |
—— Ptarmigan | II.412 |
—— Partridge | II.416 |
—— Quail | II.422 |
—— Coq de Bruyere | II.406 |
—— Lagopede | II.412 |
—— Perdix grise | II.400 |
—— Ruffed Heathcock | II.406 |
—— Snicariper | II.412 |
—— Snoripa | II.412 |
—— White Game | II.412 |
—— Willow Partridge | II.412 |
Grue | II.446 |
Guana, common | III.56 |
—— great American | III.56 |
Guariba | I.70 |
Guepard | I.293 |
Guignard | II.472 |
Guinea-pig | I.410 |
Guinea Sparrow | II.222 |
Guinea worm | III.526 |
Gull Tribe | II.540 |
—— skua | II.541 |
—— brown | II.541 |
—— Cataractes | II.541 |
—— Cornish Gannet | II.541 |
—— Goeland brun | II.541 |
—— Sea Eagle | II.541 |
Gulo | I.370 |
Gymnotus Tribe | III.12 |
—— electrical | III.12 |
—— Beave Aal | III.12 |
—— Cold Eel | III.12 |
—— Cramp fish | III.12 |
—— Electrical Eel | III.12 |
—— Numbing-fish | III.12 |
Haddock | III.137 |
Hair-worm Tribe | III.530 |
—— common | III.530 |
—— water | III.530 |
Hamster | I.441 |
Hamster, German | I.441 |
Hare Tribe | I.475 |
—— common | I.475 |
—— varying | I.480 |
—— Rabbet | I.481 |
—— alpine | I.484 |
—— Coney | I.481 |
—— Lievre | I.479 |
—— Lapin Sauvage | I.481 |
—— mountain | I.484 |
Hargal | II.456 |
Harvest bug | III.473 |
Haut | I.104 |
Hawk, blue | II.198 |
—— fishing | II.192 |
—— Sparrow | II.200 |
Heathcock | II.408 |
Hedgehog Tribe | I.401 |
—— common | I.401 |
—— Herison | I.401 |
—— Common Urchin | I.401 |
Hen Harrier | II.198 |
Heron shaw | II.452 |
Heron Tribe | II.445 |
—— Common Crane | II.446 |
—— White Stork | II.449 |
—— common | II.452 |
—— Gigantic Crane | II.456 |
—— Bittern | II.459 |
—— Argil | II.456 |
—— Bittour | II.459 |
—— Boorong | II.456 |
—— Bumpy-coss | II.459 |
—— Butor | II.459 |
—— Butter-bump | II.459 |
—— Cambing | II.456 |
—— Gigogne blanche | II.449 |
—— Grue | II.446 |
—— Hargal | II.456 |
—— Heronshaw | II.452 |
—— Miredrum | II.459 |
—— Myre dromble | II.459 |
—— Pokhoe | II.456 |
Herring Tribe | III.177 |
—— common | III.177 |
—— Pilchard | III.183 |
Hippopotame | II.114 |
Hippopotamus Tribe | II.113 |
—— amphibious | II.114 |
—— Hippopotame, ou Cheval marin | II.114 |
—— Ker-kamanon | II.114 |
—— River horse | II.114 |
—— Sea horse | II.114 |
—— Water Elephant | II.114 |
Hirondelle a croupien blanc, ou de fenêtre | II.358 |
—— de Chimenee, ou Hirondelle domestique | II.351 |
—— de Rivage | II.363 |
Hog Tribe | II.118 |
—— common | II.118 |
—— Ethiopian | II.125 |
—— African wild boar | II.125 |
—— Emgalo, or Engulo | II.125 |
—— Sanglier et Marcassin | II.118 |
—— wild | II.118 |
—— Wood Swine | II.125 |
Honeysucker, red-throated | II.296 |
Hooper | II.480 |
Horse Tribe | II.91 |
—— common | II.91 |
—— Ass | II.103 |
—— Zebra | II.112 |
—— Asne | II.103 |
—— Cheval | II.91 |
—— Koulan | II.103 |
—— Onager | II.103 |
—— river | II.114 |
—— sea | II.114 |
—— wild | II.91 |
—— Zebre | II.112 |
* Hound | I.217 |
Howlet | II.208 |
Humming-bird Tribe | II.295 |
—— red-throated | II.296 |
—— Red-throated Honey-sucker | II.296 |
—— Rubis | II.296 |
Hyæna | I.235, I.491 |
—— spotted | I.240, I.492 |
Hyæna, striped | I.235, I.491 |
Ibex | II.59 |
Ichneumon | I.311 |
—— Egyptian | I.311 |
Ichneumon Tribe | III.358 |
—— manifestator | III.354 |
L’Iguane | III.56 |
Imbrim | II.537 |
Indian bird, scarlet feathered | II.262 |
Insects | III.221 |
Isatis | I.254 |
Jacare | III.52 |
Jackal | I.243 |
Jackal, Barbary | I.246 |
Jackdaw | II.253 |
Jack-horner | III.233 |
Jaculator | III.147 |
Jarf | I.370 |
Jay | II.253 |
Jeffry-cock | III.235 |
Jerboa Tribe | I.470 |
—— Siberian | I.470 |
—— Alagtaga | I.470 |
—— Daman Israel | I.470 |
—— Erdhaase | I.470 |
—— Egyptian | I.470 |
—— Gerboa | I.470 |
—— Gerboise | I.470 |
—— gigantic | I.387 |
Jocko | I.40 |
Joerven | I.370 |
Kanguroo Tribe | I.386 |
—— great | I.387 |
—— gigantic | I.387 |
Keesee-keesee | I.79 |
Killegrew | II.260 |
Killer | II.143 |
Kingfisher Tribe | II.288 |
—— common | II.288 |
—— European | II.288 |
—— Martin pecheur ou Alcyon | II.288 |
Kinkajou | I.321 |
Kitty wren | II.343 |
Lagopede | II.412 |
Lama | II.11 |
Lamantin | I.177 |
Lammer geyer | II.180 |
Lantern-fly tribe | III.289 |
—— great | III.289 |
Lapin Sauvage | I.481 |
Lapwing | II.468 |
Lark Tribe | II.329 |
—— ſky | II.329 |
—— allouette | II.329 |
—— field | II.329 |
Le Devin | III.85 |
Leech Tribe | III.535 |
—— medicinal | III.535 |
Lemming | I.436 |
Lemur Tribe | I.86 |
—— slow | I.86 |
—— Tailless Macauco | I.86 |
—— Loris | I.86 |
—— Thevangua, or Tatonneur | I.86 |
Leopard | I.291 |
—— hunting | I.293 |
Lepidopterous Insects | III.317 |
Libellula great | III.338 |
—— variegated | III.338 |
Lievere | I.479 |
Limax spinning | III.538 |
Lion | I.262, I.494 |
Littorne ou Tourdelle | II.306 |
Lizard Tribe | III.45 |
—— Crocodile | III.46, III.52 |
—— Alligator | III.52 |
—— Common Guana | III.56 |
—— nimble | III.56 |
—— Chamæleon | III.69 |
—— Salamander | III.67 |
—— warty | III.70 |
—— American Crocodile | III.52 |
—— Cayman | III.46 |
—— Le Caméleon | III.62 |
—— Le Crocodile proprement dit | III.62 |
—— Jacare | III.52 |
—— L’Iguane | III.56 |
—— Leguana | III.56 |
—— Le Lezard gris | III.59 |
—— little brown | III.59 |
—— Nilotic Crocodile | III.46 |
—— scaly | III.45 |
Lobster | III.511 |
Locust Tribe | III.272 |
—— Mole-cricket | III.273 |
—— House-cricket | III.275 |
—— Field-cricket | III.278 |
—— migratory | III.281 |
—— American | III.295 |
—— Churr-worm | III.273 |
—— Eve churr | III.273 |
—— Fen-cricket | III.273 |
Long legs | II.474 |
Loris | I.86 |
Loup | I.229 |
Louse Tribe | III.463 |
—— common | III.464 |
Loutre | I.336 |
Luyart | I.104 |
Macareux | II.507 |
Macauco, tailless | I.86 |
Macaw, Brasilian green | II.220 |
Mackrel Tribe | III.152 |
—— common | III.152 |
—— Thunny | III.155 |
—— Albicore | III.155 |
—— great | III.155 |
—— Spanish | III.155 |
—— Mackrel-sture | III.155 |
Madge howlet | II.208 |
Magot | I.52 |
Magpie | II.257 |
—— mountain | II.214 |
Manati Tribe | I.168 |
—— Arctic Walrus | I.169 |
—— whale-tailed | I.175 |
—— round-tailed | I.177 |
—— * Sea Ape | I.180 |
—— Lamantin | I.177 |
—— Morse | I.169 |
—— Morskuia korowa | I.175 |
—— Rosmarus | I.169 |
—— Sea Cow | I.177 |
—— Sea Horse | I.169 |
—— Walross | I.169 |
—— Walrus | I.169 |
Manchot sauteur | II.511 |
Mangouste, great | I.311 |
Manque | II.165 |
Man of the Woods | I.40 |
Man-of-war bird | II.517 |
Mantis Tribe | III.267 |
—— orator | III.268 |
—— dry-leaf | III.272 |
—— religiosa | III.268 |
Mapach | I.376 |
Maracana | II.220 |
Marder | I.324 |
Marigold sea | III.547 |
Marmot Tribe | I.448 |
—— alpine | I.448 |
—— Bobac | I.453 |
—— common | I.448 |
—— German | I.441 |
—— Lapland | I.436 |
—— Marmotte | I.448 |
Marte | I.324 |
Martin | II.358 |
—— black | II.369 |
—— sand | II.363 |
—— bank | II.363 |
—— house | II.358 |
—— pecheur, ou Alcyon | II.288 |
Martin, Pine | I.324 |
Martinet | II.358 |
—— noir | II.369 |
Martlet | II.358 |
* Mastiff | I.220 |
Mattages | II.214 |
May-bug | III.233 |
Merle | II.307 |
—— d’eau | II.303 |
Messange de Pologne, ou Remiz | II.347 |
Micoo | I.75 |
Millers | III.233 |
Miredrum | II.459 |
Mocking bird | II.308 |
Moineau franc | II.323 |
Mole Tribe | I.391 |
—— common | I.392 |
—— European | I.392 |
—— Mold-warp | I.392 |
—— Taupe | I.392 |
—— Want | I.392 |
Mold-warp | I.392 |
Momenet | I.52 |
Monkey, Egret | I.65 |
—— green | I.66 |
—— Chinese | I.67 |
—— striated | I.69 |
—— preacher | I.70 |
—— four-fingered | I.75 |
—— fearful | I.78 |
—— squirrel | I.79 |
—— Cingalese | I.80 |
—— Aigrette | I.65 |
—— Bonnet Chinoise | I.67 |
—— bush-tailed | I.78 |
—— Caitaia | I.79 |
—— Callitriche | I.66 |
—— Coaita | I.75 |
—— Guariba | I.70 |
—— Keesee-keesee | I.79 |
—— Lesser Cagui | I.69 |
—— Micoo | I.75 |
—— Orange | I.79 |
—— Oustiti | I.69 |
—— L’Ouarine | I.70 |
—— Quato | I.75 |
—— Rollewai | I.80 |
—— Saimiri | I.79 |
—— Sajou | I.78 |
—— Sanglin | I.69 |
—— spider | I.75 |
Moor-cock | II.411 |
Moose deer | II.18 |
—— elk | II.18 |
Moroc | II.277 |
Morse | I.169 |
Morskuia korowa | I.175 |
Moth Tribe | III.329 |
—— Silkworm | III.329 |
—— clothes | III.334 |
Mouse, field | I.433 |
—— harvest | I.434 |
—— bean | I.433 |
—— long-tailed field | I.433 |
—— less Long-tailed field | I.434 |
—— Mulot | I.433 |
—— economic | I.439 |
—— wood | I.483 |
Mouton d’ Arabie | II.69 |
Moufflon | II.71 |
Mouton de Barbarie | II.69 |
La Mugissante, ou Grenouille Taureau | III.29 |
Mulot | I.483 |
Murdering pie | II.214 |
Musc | II.14 |
Muscardin | I.470 |
Muscle Tribe | III.572 |
—— edible | III.573 |
—— pearl | III.575 |
Musk Tribe | II.14 |
—— Thibetian | II.14 |
—— Musc | II.14 |
—— Thibet | II.14 |
Musquash | I.429 |
* Musquito-fly | III.446 |
Myre dromble | II.459 |
Myrmeleon Tribe | III.346 |
—— Ant-Lion | III.347 |
Mysticete, great | II.133 |
Nautilus, paper | III.577 |
Nereis Tribe | III.540 |
—— night-shining | III.540 |
Nightjar | II.214 |
Nightingale | II.333 |
—— mock | II.308 |
Nine killer | II.216 |
Nope | II.321 |
Nsussi | I.294 |
Nut beetle | III.254 |
Nutbreaker | II.285 |
Nutjobber | II.285 |
Nuthatch Tribe | II.285 |
—— European | II.285 |
—— Nutbreaker | II.285 |
—— Nutjobber | II.285 |
—— Sittelle, ou Torchepot | II.285 |
—— Woodcracker | II.285 |
Nyl Ghau | II.51 |
Oestrus or Gad-fly Tribe | III.417 |
—— ox | III.418 |
—— horse | III.421 |
—— sheep | III.424 |
Oiseau de Paradis | II.267 |
—— tempete | II.515 |
—— S. Martin | II.198 |
Ondatra | I.429 |
Opossum Tribe | I.382 |
—— Virginian | I.383 |
—— Merian | I.385 |
—— Philandre de Surinam | I.385 |
—— Surinam | I.385 |
Oran Otan | I.40 |
Orca | II.143 |
Orchef | II.318 |
Oreillar | I.93 |
Oriole Tribe | II.262 |
—— red-winged | II.262 |
—— icteric | II.264 |
—— weaver | II.265 |
—— Cap more | II.265 |
—— Commandeur | II.262 |
—— Scarlet-feathered Indian bird | II.262 |
—— Red winged Starling | II.262 |
—— Red bird | II.262 |
—— Troupiale | II.264 |
—— Banana bird | II.264 |
—— Large Banana bird | II.264 |
—— Yellow and black pie | II.264 |
Orn | II.185 |
Ornithorynchus paradoxus | I.165 |
Osprey | II.192 |
Ostrich Tribe | II.432 |
—— black | II.433 |
—— Autruche | II.433 |
Otter Tribe | I.335 |
—— common | I.336 |
—— sea | I.343 |
—— greater | I.336 |
—— Loutre | I.336 |
L’Ouarine | I.70 |
Outarde | II.426 |
Ours | I.346 |
—— blanc | I.363 |
Oustiti | I.69 |
Ouzel, water | II.303 |
Owl Tribe | II.203 |
—— great horned | II.205 |
—— white | II.208 |
—— brown | II.211 |
—— barn | II.208 |
—— Chouette, on grand Chevêche | II.211 |
—— church | II.208 |
—— common | II.208 |
—— eagle | II.205 |
—— Effraie, ou Fresaie | II.208 |
—— Gillihowter | II.208 |
—— Grand duc | II.205 |
—— great | II.205 |
—— —— brown | II.211 |
—— —— eared | II.205 |
—— grey | II.211 |
—— hissing | II.208 |
—— Howlet | II.208 |
—— Madge Howlet | II.208 |
—— screech | II.208 |
Ox Tribe | II.73 |
—— common | II.73 |
—— American Bison | II.79 |
—— Buffalo | II.83 |
—— Cape Buffalo | II.85 |
—— African Buffalo | II.85 |
—— American Buffalo | II.79 |
—— Bison d’Amerique | II.79 |
—— Boeuf | II.73 |
—— Buffalo | II.83 |
—— Buffle | II.83 |
Oye a cravate | II.497 |
—— duvet, ou Eider | II.499 |
—— sauvage | II.47 |
Oyster Tribe | III.507 |
—— edible | III.507 |
—— Scallop | III.571 |
Papion | I.57 |
Parrakeet, red-headed Guinea | II.222 |
Parrot Tribe | II.219 |
—— Brasilian green Macaw | II.220 |
—— Ethiopian | II.222 |
—— aſh-coloured | II.225 |
—— yellow-winged | II.231 |
—— Ara-vert | II.220 |
—— Crick à tête et gorge jaune | II.231 |
—— Guinea Sparrow | II.222 |
—— hoary | II.225 |
—— little red-headed | II.222 |
—— Maracana | II.220 |
—— Peroquet cendre, ou Jaco | II.225 |
—— Perruche à tête rouge de Guinée | II.222 |
—— red | II.225 |
—— Red-headed guinea Parrakeet | II.222 |
Partridge | II.416 |
—— willow | II.412 |
Pelecan Tribe | II.520 |
—— white | II.520 |
—— Corvorant | II.524 |
—— Gannet | II.527 |
—— Booby | II.530 |
—— Fishing Corvorant | II.533 |
—— red-backed | II.535 |
—— Cormoran | II.524 |
—— Fou | II.530 |
—— —— de Bassan | II.527 |
—— great | II.520 |
—— Sea crow | II.524 |
—— Soland goose | II.527 |
Penguin Tribe | II.511 |
—— crested | II.512 |
—— Manchot sauteur | II.512 |
Perch Tribe | III.158 |
—— common | III.158 |
Perdix grise | II.416 |
Pero volador | I.97 |
Perroquet cendre, ou Jaco | II.225 |
Perruche à tête rouge de Guinée | II.22 |
Petit Deuil | II.349 |
—— pluvier, ou guignard | II.472 |
Petit gris | I.459 |
Petrel Tribe | II.511 |
—— stormy | II.511 |
—— little | II.511 |
—— Oiseau de tempete | II.511 |
—— Stormfinch | II.511 |
Pheasant Tribe | II.391 |
—— common | II.391 |
—— Domestic cock | II.396 |
—— Coq ccmmun | II.396 |
—— Faisan | II.391 |
Philandre de Surinam | I.385 |
Pholas Tribe | III.560 |
—— dactyle | III.561 |
Phoque | I.182 |
Pianet | II.257 |
Pic de Virginie | II.284 |
—— noir | II.282 |
Pickerel | III.171 |
Pie | II.257 |
—— griesche grise | II.214 |
—— yellow and black | II.264 |
Piet water | II.303 |
Pigeon Tribe | II.372 |
—— wild | II.374 |
—— Ring-dove | II.377 |
—— passenger | II.379 |
—— Cushat | II.397 |
—— migratory | II.379 |
—— de Passage | II.379 |
—— ramier | II.377 |
—— Queest | II.377 |
—— ring | II.377 |
—— Rockier | II.374 |
—— Stock Dove | II.374 |
Pike Tribe | III.170 |
—— common | III.171 |
—— Pickerel | III.171 |
Pilchard | III.183 |
Pipa | III.43 |
Pitheque | I.55 |
Platypus Tribe | I.164 |
—— duck-billed | I.165 |
—— Ornithorynchus paradoxus | I.165 |
Plover Tribe | II.472 |
—— Dotterel | II.472 |
—— Long-legged or stilt | II.474 |
—— bastard | II.468 |
—— Echasse | II.468 |
—— Longlegs | II.468 |
—— Petit Pluvier ou Guignard | II.472 |
Pokkoe | II.456 |
Polatouche | I.465, I.467 |
Polype | III.593 |
—— green | III.593 |
Pongo | I.40 |
Porcupine Tribe | I.405 |
—— common | I.405, I.500 |
—— crested | I.405, I.500 |
—— Porc-epic | I.405, I.500 |
Porc-epic | I.405, I.500 |
Porpesse | II.138 |
Pricklebag | III.140 |
Ptarmigan | II.412 |
Ptinus Tribe | III.248 |
—— death-watch | III.248 |
Puffin Auk | II.507 |
Quato | I.75 |
Queest | II.377 |
Quickhatch | I.373 |
Quimichpatlan | I.465 |
Quincajou | I.321 |
Quumbengo | I.240, I.492 |
Rabbet | I.481 |
Raccoon | I.376 |
Ram | II.63 |
Rat Tribe | I.426 |
—— musk | I.427 |
—— brown, or Norway | I.429 |
—— Field Mouse | I.433 |
—— Harvest Mouse | I.434 |
—— Lemming | I.436 |
—— Economic | I.439 |
—— Hamster | I.441 |
—— Bandicote | I.429 |
—— Hamster German | I.441 |
—— Leming | I.486 |
—— Lemmus | I.486 |
—— Marmot Lapland | I.486 |
—— Mouse, bean | I.433 |
—— Mouse, long-tailed field | I.433 |
—— Mouse, less long-tailed field | I.484 |
—— Mouse, economic | I.439 |
—— Mouse, wood | I.433 |
—— Mulot | I.433 |
—— Musk-rat, Canadian | I.427 |
—— Musquash | I.427 |
—— Ondatra | I.427 |
—— Surmulot | I.429 |
—— Tegoulichitek | I.439 |
Ratel | I.316 |
Le Raton | I.376 |
Rattle-snake Tribe | III.74 |
—— banded | III.75 |
—— Boiquira | III.75 |
Raven | II.237 |
Ray Tribe | III.214 |
—— electric | III.215 |
—— Torpedo | III.215 |
—— Cramp-fish | III.215 |
Razor-shell Tribe | III.565 |
Red bird | II.262 |
Red breast | II.341 |
Red game | II.411 |
Rein Deer | II.25 |
La Reine vert, ou commune | III.32 |
Renard | I.248 |
Renne | II.25 |
Rhinoceros Tribe | I.109 |
—— single-horned | I.110, I.487 |
—— two-horned | I.114 |
Ring-dove | II.377 |
River-horse | II.114 |
Roach | III.105 |
Rockier | II.374 |
Rollewai | I.80 |
Rook | II.246 |
Rosmarus | I.169 |
Le Rossignol | II.333 |
Le Rouge gorge | II.341 |
La Rousse, la Muette | III.22 |
Roussetie | I.97 |
Rubis | II.296 |
Ruddock | II.341 |
Ruff and Reeve | II.466 |
Sable | I.326 |
Saiga | II.54 |
Saimiri | I.79 |
Sajou | I.78 |
Salamander | III.67 |
Salangana | II.365 |
Salmon Tribe | III.161 |
—— common | III.161 |
—— Trout | III.167 |
Sand Martin | II.363 |
Sand-piper Tribe | II.466 |
—— Ruff and Reeve | II.466 |
—— Lapwing | II.468 |
—— Bastard Plover | II.468 |
—— Combatant, ou Paon de Mer | II.466 |
—— Vanneau | II.468 |
Sand-wasp Tribe | III.360 |
—— common | III.360 |
—— blue | III.362 |
Sanglier et Marcassin | II.118 |
Sanglin | I.69 |
Schakal | I.243 |
Scolopendra Tribe | III.516 |
—— Centipede | III.516 |
—— great | III.516 |
Scorpion Tribe | III.497 |
—— common | III.498 |
Sea Ape | I.180 |
—— Calf | I.182 |
—— Cat | I.190 |
—— Cow | I.177 |
—— Eagle | II.192, II.541 |
—— Elephant | II.114 |
—— Horse | I.169 |
—— Horse | II.114 |
—— Lion | I.195, I.197 |
Sea stars | III.552 |
Seal Tribe | I.181 |
—— common | I.182 |
—— ursine | I.190 |
—— bottle-nosed | I.195 |
—— Leonine | I.197 |
—— Phoque | I.182 |
—— Sea Calf | I.182 |
—— Sea Cat | I.190 |
—— Sea Lion | I.195, I.197 |
Sea-urchin Tribe | III.555 |
—— common | III.555 |
—— Common Echinus | III.555 |
—— Eatable Echinus | III.555 |
Serin des Canaries | II.328 |
Serpents | III.73 |
Shark Tribe | III.205 |
—— white | III.206 |
—— basking | III.212 |
Sharpling | III.149 |
Sheep Tribe | II.62 |
—— common | II.63 |
—— Icelandic | II.68 |
—— * broad-tailed | II.69 |
—— Argali | II.71 |
—— Barbary | II.69 |
—— Brebis et Belier | II.63 |
—— many-horned | II.68 |
—— Mouton d’Arabie | II.69 |
—— —— de Barbarie | II.69 |
—— Ram | II.63 |
—— Siberian Goat | II.71 |
—— Tunis | II.69 |
—— wild | II.71 |
Shell apple | II.313 |
Shooting fish | III.147 |
Shore bird | II.363 |
Shrike Tribe | II.213 |
—— great | II.214 |
—— tyrant | II.217 |
—— Carolina tyrant | II.217 |
—— French pie | II.214 |
—— Gobe-mouche de la Caroline | II.217 |
—— Great butcher-bird | II.214 |
—— great cinereous | II.214 |
—— Mattages | II.214 |
—— Mountain Magpie | II.214 |
—— Murdering pie | II.214 |
—— Nightjar | II.214 |
—— Nine-killer | II.216 |
—— Piegriesche grise | II.214 |
—— Skreek | II.214 |
—— White Whiskey-John | II.214 |
—— Wierangle | II.214 |
Siberian Goat | II.71 |
Sittelle, ou Torchepot | II.285 |
Skreek | II.214 |
Skunk | I.314 |
—— striped | I.314 |
Sky-lark | II.324 |
Sleeper | I.469 |
Sloth Tribe | I.103 |
Sloth, three-toed | I.104 |
—— Ai | I.104 |
—— Haut | I.104 |
—— Luyart | I.104 |
Slug Tribe | III.537 |
—— spinning | III.538 |
Smitten | I.40 |
Snail Tribe | III.579 |
—— garden | III.585 |
—— esculent | III.587 |
Snake Tribe | III.91 |
—— Common Viper | III.92 |
—— common | III.96 |
—— hooded | III.101 |
—— black | III.103 |
—— Adder | III.92 |
—— Cobra di capello | III.101 |
—— English Viper | III.92 |
—— Knot | III.103 |
—— Le Lin | III.103 |
—— ringed | III.96 |
—— spectacle | III.101 |
—— Vipère | III.92 |
Snipe Tribe | II.462 |
—— Woodcock | II.462 |
—— Bécasse | II.462 |
Snoripa | II.412 |
Soland Goose | II.527 |
Sole | III.145 |
Sparrow, common | II.323 |
—— Bengal | II.318 |
—— Guinea | II.222 |
—— yellow-headed Indian | II.318 |
Sparrow-hawk | II.200 |
Sphex Tribe | III.358 |
—— Turner savage | III.359 |
Spider Tribe | III.474 |
—— house | III.475 |
—— garden | III.480 |
—— wandering | III.484 |
—— jumping | III.484 |
—— water | III.485 |
—— Gossamer | III.486 |
—— Tarantula | III.492 |
—— bird-catching | III.495 |
Spunge | III.591 |
—— officinal | III.592 |
Squirrel Tribe | I.455 |
—— common | I.456 |
—— grey | I.459 |
—— black | I.461 |
—— striped | I.462 |
—— American flying | I.465 |
—— European flying | I.467 |
—— Dormouse striped | I.462 |
—— Ecuriel | I.456 |
—— Ecuriel noir | I.461 |
—— Ecuriel Suisse | I.402 |
—— flying | I.465, I.467 |
—— ground | I.462 |
—— Petit gris | I.459 |
—— Polatouche | I.465, I.467 |
—— Quimichpatlan | I.465 |
—— Suisse | I.462 |
Stag | II.35 |
Stare Tribe | II.301 |
—— Starling | II.301 |
—— water ouzel | II.303 |
—— Merle d’eau | II.303 |
—— Water Crake | II.303 |
—— —— Crow, or Piet | II.303 |
Star-fish Tribe | III.552 |
—— arborescent | III.553 |
—— Magellanic | III.553 |
—— Basket-fish | III.553 |
—— branched asterias | III.553 |
—— Medusa | III.553 |
Starling | II.301 |
—— red-winged | II.262 |
Steinboc | II.59 |
Stock Dove | II.374 |
Stork, white | II.449 |
Stormfinch | II.515 |
Strunt-vogel | II.169 |
Sturgeon Tribe | III.200 |
—— common | III.200 |
Stickleback Tribe | III.149 |
—— three spined | III.149 |
—— Banstikle | III.149 |
—— Pricklebag | III.149 |
—— Sharpling | III.149 |
Sucking-fish Tribe | III.139 |
—— common | III.139 |
Surinam Opossum | I.385 |
Surmulot | I.429 |
Swallow Tribe | II.349 |
—— chimney | II.357 |
—— Martin | II.358 |
—— Sand Martin | II.363 |
—— Esculent | II.365 |
—— Black Martin | II.369 |
—— Swift | II.369 |
—— Bank Martin | II.363 |
—— Deviling | II.369 |
—— Hirondelle a croupien blanc ou de fenêtre | II.358 |
—— —— de Chimenée ou Hirondelle domestique | II.351 |
—— —— de Rivage | II.363 |
—— House Martin | II.358 |
—— Salangane | II.365 |
—— sand | II.363 |
—— Shore bird | II.363 |
—— window | II.358 |
Swan, whistling | II.480 |
—— tame, or mute | II.483 |
—— wild | II.480 |
Swift | II.369 |
Sword-fish Tribe | III.129 |
—— broad-finned | III.130 |
—— Indian | III.130 |
Tæniæ | III.520 |
Tamandua | I.108 |
Tamanoir | I.108 |
Tape-worm Tribe | III.520 |
—— common | III.523 |
Tarantula | III.492 |
Tartarin | I.60 |
Tatonneur | I.86 |
Taupe | I.392 |
Taylor bird | II.346 |
Tegoulichitek | I.439 |
Tench | III.189 |
Termes Tribe | III.449 |
—— death-watch | III.449 |
—— White ants | III.451 |
* Terrier | I.223 |
Thaleb | I.246 |
Thevangua | I.86 |
Thread-worm Tribe | III.525 |
—— Indian or Guinea-worm | III.526 |
Thrush Tribe | II.306 |
—— Fieldfare | II.306 |
—— Blackbird | II.307 |
—— Mockingbird | II.308 |
—— locust-eating | II.311 |
—— Amsel | II.307 |
—— Grand Moqueur | II.308 |
—— Littorne, ou Tourdelle | II.306 |
—— Merle | II.307 |
—— mimic | II.308 |
—— Mock Nightingale | II.308 |
—— Solitary Sparrow | II.308 |
Tick Tribe | III.471 |
—— Cheese mite | III.472 |
—— Harvest bug | III.473 |
—— Autumnal acarus | III.473 |
Tiger | I.283, I.497 |
Tiger-cat of the Cape of Good Hope | I.294 |
Tiger bush-cat | I.294 |
Tiger-wolf | I.240, I.492 |
Tipula or Crane-fly Tribe | III.424 |
—— Wheat-fly | III.424 |
Titmouse Tribe | II.346 |
—— penduline | II.347 |
—— Cape | II.349 |
—— Mésange de Poligne, ou Remiz | II.347 |
—— mountain | II.347 |
—— penduline | II.347 |
—— Petit Deuil | II.349 |
Toad, common | III.37 |
—— Surinam | III.43 |
Torpedo | III.115 |
Tortoise Tribe | III.5 |
—— common | III.7 |
—— snake | III.12 |
—— Green Turtle | III.14 |
—— Loggerhead Turtle | III.18 |
—— Imbricated Turtle | III.20 |
—— common Green Turtle | III.14 |
—— common Land | III.7 |
—— common | III.14 |
—— esculent | III.14 |
—— Greek | III.7 |
—— serrated | III.12 |
—— snapping | III.12 |
Toucan Tribe | II.233 |
—— red bellied | II.234 |
—— Brasilian pie | II.234 |
—— Preacher | II.234 |
—— a ventre rouge | II.234 |
Tourne pierre | |
Tree beetle | III.233 |
—— brown | III.233 |
Troglodyte | II.343 |
Troupiale | II.264 |
Trout | III.107 |
Trumpeter Tribe | II.428 |
—— gold-breasted | II.429 |
—— Caracara | II.429 |
Tumble-dung beetle | III.245 |
Turbot | III.143 |
Turkey Tribe | II.384 |
—— American or common | II.385 |
—— Dindon | II.385 |
—— New England wild | II.385 |
Turkey Buzzard | II.169 |
Turtle, green | III.14 |
—— loggerhead | III.18 |
—— imbricated | III.20 |
—— common | III.14 |
—— common green | III.14 |
—— esculent | III.14 |
Urchin, common | I.401 |
Vanneau | II.468 |
Vautour de Brésil | II.169 |
Vibrio | III.600 |
—— eel | III.600 |
—— proteus | III.600 |
Vielfrass | I.370 |
Viper | III.92 |
—— English | III.92 |
Volvox bulla | III.601 |
Vorticella | III.599 |
Vulture Tribe | II.163 |
—— Condur | II.163 |
—— carrion | II.169 |
—— Carrion Crow | II.169 |
—— Magellanic | II.165 |
—— Manque | II.165 |
—— Secretary | II.174 |
—— Strunt-vogel | II.169 |
—— Turkey buzzard | II.169 |
—— Vautour de Brésil | II.169 |
Wagtail, common | II.339 |
—— black and white | II.339 |
—— pied | II.339 |
—— white | II.339 |
Walfish | II.133 |
Walrus Tribe | I.168 |
—— arctic | I.169 |
Walross | I.169 |
Want | I.292 |
Warbler Tribe | II.333 |
—— Nightingale | II.333 |
—— pensile | II.338 |
—— Common Wagtail | II.339 |
—— Wheat-ear | II.340 |
—— Red-breast | II.341 |
—— Wren | II.343 |
—— Willow Wren | II.345 |
—— Taylor bird | II.346 |
—— Bouillot, ou Chantre | II.345 |
—— Cou-jaune | II.338 |
—— Cul blanc | II.338 |
—— Fallow Smich | II.338 |
—— Green Wren | II.345 |
—— Kitty-wren | II.343 |
—— Le Rossignol | II.333 |
—— Le Rouge gorge | II.341 |
—— Pied Wagtail | II.339 |
—— Ruddock | II.341 |
—— Small yellow bird | II.345 |
—— Troglodyte | II.343 |
—— White rump | II.340 |
—— White tail | II.340 |
—— White Wagtail | II.339 |
—— Yellow Wren | II.345 |
Warbles | III.418 |
Wasp Tribe | III.365 |
—— common | III.366 |
Water Birds | II.443 |
Weesel Tribe | I.310 |
—— Ichneumon | I.311 |
—— striated | I.314 |
—— honey, or Ratel | I.316 |
—— Civet | I.318 |
—— Mexican, or Kinkajou | I.321 |
—— Martin, pine | I.324 |
—— Sable | I.326 |
—— common | I.329 |
—— Carajou | I.321 |
—— Civet Cat | I.318 |
—— Civette | I.318 |
—— Conepate | I.314 |
—— Fiskatta | I.314 |
—— Fitchet | I.329 |
—— Foulimart | I.329 |
—— Foumart | I.329 |
—— Ichneumon, Egyptian | I.311 |
—— Kinkajou | I.321 |
—— Mangouste, great | I.311 |
—— Marder | I.324 |
—— Marte | I.324 |
—— Quincajou | I.321 |
—— Skunk | I.314 |
—— Striped Skunk | I.314 |
—— Whitred | I.329 |
—— Whitret | I.329 |
—— Zibelline | I.326 |
Weevil Tribe | III.251 |
—— corn | III.252 |
—— nut | III.254 |
—— Nut beetle | III.254 |
Whales | II.129 |
Whale Tribe | II.132 |
—— common | II.133 |
—— Great Mysticete | II.133 |
—— Walfish | II.133 |
Whale-fishery | II.145 |
Wheatear | II.340 |
Whiskey Jack | II.259 |
—— John, white | II.214 |
White Ants | III.451 |
White Brant | II.486 |
—— -game | II.412 |
—— -rump | II.340 |
—— -tail | II.340 |
Whitred | I.329 |
Whitret | I.329 |
Wierangle | II.214 |
Wild Boar | II.118 |
—— African | II.125 |
Willow Wren | II.345 |
Wolf | I.229 |
Wolverine | I.373 |
Woodcock | II.462 |
Woodpecker Tribe | II.281 |
—— black | II.282 |
—— white-billed | II.283 |
—— red-headed | II.284 |
—— Grand pic noir à bec blanc | II.283 |
—— greatest black | II.282 |
—— largest white-billed | II.203 |
—— Pic de Virginie | II.284 |
—— —— Noir | II.282 |
Wood Swine | II.125 |
Worms | III.519 |
Wormuls | III.418 |
Wornuls | III.418 |
Wren | II.343 |
—— green | II.345 |
—— kitty | II.343 |
—— willow | II.345 |
—— yellow | II.345 |
Zebra | II.112 and vol. 1. 502 |
Zibelline | I.326 |
Zoophytes | III.590 |
Since Bingley’s book is arranged on the Linnaean system, this section of the Index will be in strict volume-and-page order, except in the rare case of alternative binomials (italicized as in the English index). Where an animal has two widely separated page numbers, the second number points to the Appendix.
Page. | |
Primates. | |
Simia Genus | I.35 |
—— Satyrus | I.40 |
—— Inuus | I.52 |
—— Sylvanus | I.55 |
—— Sphinx | I.57 |
—— Hamadryas | I.60 |
—— —— var. | I.61 |
—— Aygula | I.65 |
—— Sabæa | I.66 |
—— Sinica | I.67 |
—— Iacchus | I.69 |
—— Beelzebul | I.70 |
—— Paniscus | I.75 |
—— Trepida | I.78 |
—— Sciurea | I.79 |
—— Troglodytes | I.40 |
Lemur Genus | I.86 |
—— Tardigradus | I.86 |
Vespertilio Genus | I.91 |
—— Auritus | I.93 |
—— Vampyrus | I.97 |
Bruta. | |
Bradypus Genus | I.103 |
—— tridactylus | I.104 |
Myrmecophaga Genus | I.107 |
—— Jubata | I.108 |
Rhinoceros Genus | I.109 |
—— Unicornis | I.111, I.487 |
—— Bicornis | I.114 |
Elephas Genus | I.121 |
—— maximus | I.122, I.490 |
Platypus Genus | I.164 |
—— anatinus | I.165 |
Trichechus Genus | I.168 |
—— Rosmarus | I.169 |
—— Borealis | I.175 |
—— Manatus | I.177 |
Feræ. | |
Phoca Genus | I.181 |
—— vitulina | I.181 |
—— ursina | I.190 |
—— leonina | I.195 |
—— jubata | I.197 |
Canis Genus | I.201 |
—— familiaris | I.201 |
—— lupus | I.229 |
—— hyæna | I.235, I.491 |
—— crocuta | I.240, I.492 |
—— aureus | I.243 |
—— barbarus | I.246 |
—— vulpes | I.248 |
—— Lagopus | I.254 |
Felis Genus | I.261 |
—— Leo | I.262, I.494 |
—— Tigris | I.283, I.497 |
—— Leopardus | I.291 |
—— Jubata | I.293 |
—— Capensis | I.294 |
—— Catus | I.295 |
—— —— var. Angorensis | I.308 |
Viverra Genus | I.310 |
—— Ichneumon | I.311 |
—— putorius | I.314 |
—— Mellivora | I.316 |
—— Civetta | I.318 |
—— Prehensilis | I.321 |
—— Martes | I.324 |
—— Zibellina | I.326 |
—— vulgaris | I.329 |
Mustela Martes | I.324 |
—— Zibellina | I.326 |
—— vulgaris | I.329 |
—— lutra | I.336 |
—— lutris | I.343 |
Lutra Genus | I.335 |
—— vulgaris | I.336 |
—— marina | I.343 |
I.512 Ursus Genus | I.345 |
—— Arctos | I.346 |
—— Americanus | I.357 |
—— Maritimus | I.363 |
—— gulo | I.370 |
—— luscus | I.373 |
—— lotor | I.376 |
—— meles | I.380 |
Didelphis Genus | I.382 |
—— virginiana | I.383 |
—— Dorsigera | I.385 |
—— marsupialis | I.383 |
—— opossum | I.383 |
—— gigantea | I.389 |
Macropus Genus | I.386 |
—— major | I.389 |
—— giganteus | I.389 |
Talpa Genus | I.391 |
—— Europæa | I.391 |
Erinaceus Genus | I.401 |
—— Europæus | I.401 |
Glires. | |
Hystrix Genus | I.405 |
—— cristata | I.405, I.500 |
Cavia Genus | I.410 |
—— Cobaya | I.411 |
Castor Genus | I.413 |
—— fiber | I.414, I.504 |
—— zibethicus | I.414, I.501 |
Mus Genus | I.426 |
—— zibethicus | I.427 |
—— decumanus | I.429 |
—— sylvaticus | I.433 |
—— messorius | I.434 |
—— lemmus | I.436 |
—— œconomicus | I.439 |
—— cricetus | I.441 |
—— marmota | I.448 |
Arctomys Genus | I.448 |
—— marmota | I.448 |
—— bobac | I.453 |
Sciurus Genus | I.455 |
—— vulgaris | I.456 |
—— cinereus | I.459 |
—— niger | I.461 |
—— striatus | I.462 |
—— volucella | I.465 |
—— volans | I.467 |
Myoxus Genus | I.463 |
—— muscardinus | I.469 |
Dipus Genus | I.470 |
—— jaculus | I.470 |
Lepus Genus | I.475 |
—— timidus | I.475 |
—— variabilis | I.480 |
—— cuniculus | I.481 |
—— alpinus | I.484 |
Volume II begins here | |
II.552 Pecora. | II.1 |
Camelus Genus | II.1 |
—— dromedarius | II.2 |
—— glama | II.11 |
Moschus Genus | II.14 |
—— moschiferus | II.14 |
Cervus Genus | II.17 |
—— alces | II.18 |
—— tarandus | II.25 |
—— elapbus | II.35 |
—— dama | II.42 |
Camelopardalis Genus | II.44 |
—— giraffa | II.44 |
Antilope Genus | II.48 |
—— rupicapra | II.49 |
—— picta | II.51 |
—— saiga | II.54 |
Capra Genus | II.56 |
—— hircus | II.56 |
—— ibex | II.59 |
Ovis Genus | II.62 |
—— aries | II.63 |
—— * polycerata | II.68 |
—— * laticaudata | II.69 |
—— ammon | II.71 |
Bos Genus | II.73 |
—— taurus | II.73 |
—— Americanus | II.79 |
—— bubalus | II.83 |
—— Cafer | II.85 |
Belluæ. | II.91 |
Equus Genus | II.91 |
—— caballos | II.91 |
—— asinus | II.103 |
—— zebra | II.112 and vol. i. 502 |
Hippopotamus Genus | II.113 |
—— amphibious | II.114 |
Sus Genus | II.118 |
—— scrofa | II.118 |
—— Æthiopicus | II.125 |
Cetæ. | II.129 |
Balæna Genus | II.132 |
—— mysticetus | II.133 |
Delphinus Genus | II.138 |
—— phocœna | II.138 |
—— delphis | II.140 |
—— orca | II.143 |
AVES | II.149 |
Accipitres. | II.163 |
Vultur Genus | II.163 |
—— gryphus | II.165 |
—— aura | II.162 |
Falco Genus | II.172 |
—— serpentarius | II.174 |
—— barbatus | II.180 |
—— chrysaëtos | II.185 |
—— haliaëtos | II.192 |
—— buteo | II.193 |
—— cyaneus | II.198 |
—— nisus | II.200 |
Strix Genus | II.203 |
—— bubo | II.205 |
—— flammea | II.208 |
—— ulula | II.211 |
Picæ. | II.213 |
Lanius Genus | II.213 |
—— excubitor | II.214 |
—— tyrannus | II.217 |
Psittacus Genus | II.219 |
—— severus | II.220 |
—— pullarius | II.222 |
—— erithacus | II.225 |
—— ochropterus | II.231 |
Ramphastos Genus | II.233 |
—— picatus | II.234 |
Corvus Genus | II.237 |
—— corax | II.237 |
—— corone | II.242 |
—— frugilegus | II.246 |
—— monedula | II.253 |
—— glandarius | II.255 |
—— pica | II.257 |
—— Canadensis | II.259 |
—— graculus | II.260 |
II.553 Oriolus Genus | II.262 |
—— Phoeniceus | II.262 |
—— icterus | II.264 |
—— textor | II.265 |
Paradisea Genus | II.266 |
—— apoda | II.267 |
Cuculus Genus | II.268 |
—— canorus | II.269 |
—— indicator | II.277 |
Picus Genus | II.281 |
—— martius | II.282 |
—— Principalis | II.283 |
—— erythrocephalus | II.284 |
Sitta Genus | II.285 |
—— Europæa | II.285 |
Alcedo Genus | II.288 |
—— ispida | II.288 |
Certhia Genus | II.292 |
—— familiaris | II.292 |
—— Mexicana | II.295 |
Trochilus Genus | II.295 |
—— colubris | II.296 |
Passeres. | |
Sturnus Genus | II.301 |
—— vulgaris | II.301 |
—— cinclus | II.303 |
Turdus Genus | II.306 |
—— pilaris | II.306 |
—— merula | II.307 |
—— polyglottus | II.308 |
—— gryllivorus | II.311 |
Loxia Genus | II.313 |
—— curvirostra | II.313 |
—— cardinalis | II.315 |
—— Abyssinica | II.317 |
—— Bengalensis | II.318 |
—— Socia | II.319 |
—— pyrrhula | II.321 |
Fringilla Genus | II.323 |
—— domestica | II.323 |
—— carduelis | II.327 |
—— canaria | II.328 |
Alauda Genus | II.329 |
—— arvensis | II.329 |
Motacilla Genus | II.333 |
—— luscinia | II.333 |
—— pensilis | II.338 |
—— alba | II.339 |
—— oenanthe | II.340 |
—— rubecula | II.341 |
—— troglodytes | II.343 |
—— trochilus | II.343 |
—— sutoria | II.346 |
Parus Genus | II.346 |
—— pendulinus | II.347 |
—— Capensis | II.349 |
Hirundo Genus | II.349 |
—— rustica | II.351 |
—— urbica | II.358 |
—— riparia | II.363 |
—— esculenta | II.365 |
—— apus | II.369 |
Columba Genus | II.372 |
—— oenas | II.374 |
—— palumbus | II.377 |
—— migratoria | II.379 |
Gallinæ. | |
Meleagris Genus | II.384 |
—— gallopavo | II.385 |
Phasianus Genus | II.391 |
—— colchicus | II.391 |
—— gallus | II.396 |
Tetrao Genus | II.406 |
—— umbellus | II.406 |
—— tetrix | II.408 |
—— scoticus | II.411 |
—— lagopus | II.412 |
—— perdix | II.416 |
—— coturnix | II.422 |
Otis Genus | II.426 |
—— tarda | II.426 |
Psophia Genus | II.428 |
—— crepitans | II.429 |
Struthio Genus | II.432 |
—— camelus | II.433 |
Grallæ. | |
Ardea Genus | II.445 |
—— grus | II.446 |
—— ciconia | II.449 |
—— cinerea | II.452 |
—— dubia | II.456 |
—— stellaris | II.459 |
Scolopax Genus | II.462 |
—— rusticola | II.462 |
Tringa Genus | II.466 |
—— pugnax | II.466 |
—— vanellus | II.468 |
Charadrius Genus | II.472 |
—— morinellus | II.472 |
—— himantopus | II.474 |
Phœnicopterus Genus | II.476 |
—— ruber | II.479 |
Anseres. | |
Anas Genus | II.480 |
—— cygnus | II.480 |
—— olor | II.483 |
—— hyperborea | II.486 |
II.554 —— anser | II.487 |
—— erythropus | II.493 |
—— Canadensis | II.497 |
—— mollissima | II.499 |
—— boschas | II.501 |
Alca Genus | II.507 |
—— arctica | II.507 |
Aptenodytes Genus | II.511 |
—— chrysocome | II.512 |
Procellaria Genus | II.515 |
—— pelagica | II.515 |
Diomedia Genus | II.517 |
—— exulans | II.517 |
Pelecanus Genus | II.520 |
—— onocrotalus | II.520 |
—— carbo | II.524 |
—— bassanus | II.527 |
—— sula | II.530 |
—— Sinensis | II.533 |
—— rufescens | II.536 |
Colymbus Genus | II.537 |
—— glacialis | II.537 |
—— sinensis | II.539 |
Larus Genus | II.541 |
—— cataractes | II.542 |
Volume III begins here | |
Reptilia | III.4 |
Testudo Genus | III.5 |
—— græca | III.7 |
—— serpentina | III.12 |
—— mydas | III.14 |
—— caretta | III.18 |
—— imbricata | III.20 |
Rana Genus | III.21 |
—— temporaria | III.22 |
—— esculenta | III.27 |
—— Catesbeiana | III.29 |
—— arborea | III.32 |
—— bufo | III.37 |
—— pipa | III.43 |
—— Ocellata?? | III.29 |
—— bilineata | III.32 |
Lacerta Genus | III.45 |
—— crocodilus | III.46 |
—— Alligator | III.52 |
—— iguana | III.56 |
—— agilis | III.59 |
—— chamæleon | III.62 |
—— salamandra | III.67 |
—— palustris | III.70 |
Serpentes | III.73 |
Crotalus Genus | III.74 |
—— horridus | III.75 |
Boa Genus | III.85 |
—— constrictor | III.85 |
Coluber Genus | III.91 |
—— berus | III.92 |
—— natrix | III.96 |
—— naja | III.101 |
—— constrictor | III.103 |
PISCES | III.109 |
Apodes. | |
Muræna Genus | III.118 |
—— anguilla | III.119 |
Gymnotus Genus | III.123 |
—— electricus | III.123 |
Xiphias Genus | III.129 |
—— platypterus | III.130 |
Jugulares. | |
Gadus Genus | III.133 |
—— morhua | III.133 |
—— eglesinus | III.137 |
Thoracici. | |
Echeneis Genus | III.139 |
—— remora | III.139 |
Pleuronectes Genus | III.142 |
—— maximus | III.143 |
—— solea | III.145 |
Chætodon Genus | III.146 |
—— rostratus | III.147 |
—— enceladus | III.147 |
Gasterosteus Genus | III.149 |
—— aculeatus | III.149 |
Scomber Genus | III.152 |
—— scomber | III.152 |
—— thynnus | III.155 |
Perca Genus | III.158 |
—— fluviatilis | III.158 |
Abdominales. | |
Salmo Genus | III.161 |
—— salar | III.161 |
—— fario | III.167 |
Esox Genus | III.170 |
—— lucius | III.171 |
Exocœtus Genus | III.174 |
—— volitans | III.174 |
Clupea Genus | III.177 |
—— harengus | III.177 |
—— pilcardus | III.183 |
Cyprinus Genus | III.186 |
—— carpio | III.186 |
—— tinca | III.189 |
—— cephalus | III.195 |
—— leuciscus | III.194 |
—— rutilus | III.195 |
—— auratus | III.196 |
III.611 Chondropterygii. | |
Accipenser Genus | III.200 |
—— strurio | III.200 |
Squalus Genus | III.205 |
—— carcharias | III.206 |
—— maximus | III.212 |
Raia Genus | III.214 |
—— torpedo | III.215 |
Coleoptera. | |
Scarabæus Genus | III.233 |
—— melolontha | III.233 |
—— auratus | III.239 |
—— morticinii | III.241 |
—— pilularius | III.245 |
Ptinus Genus | III.248 |
—— pulsator | III.248 |
—— fatidicus | III.248 |
Curculio Genus | III.251 |
—— granarius | III.252 |
—— nucum | III.254 |
Cerambyx Genus | III.255 |
—— violaceus | III.256 |
Lampyris Genus | III.259 |
—— noctiluca | III.259 |
Carabus Genus | III.261 |
—— crepitans | III.261 |
Forficula Genus | III.262 |
—— auricularia | III.263 |
Hemiptera. | |
Mantis Genus | III.267 |
—— oratoria | III.268 |
—— siccifolia | III.272 |
—— religiosa | III.267 |
Gryllus Genus | III.272 |
—— gryllotalpa | III.274 |
—— domesticus | III.275 |
—— campestris | III.278 |
—— migratorius | III.281 |
Fulgora Genus | III.289 |
—— lanternaria | III.289 |
Cicada Genus | III.291 |
—— limbata | III.293 |
—— septendecim | III.295 |
—— spumaria | III.298 |
Cimex Genus | III.299 |
—— lectularius | III.300 |
—— paradoxus | III.303 |
Aphis Genus | III.304 |
—— rosæ | III.305 |
Coccus Genus | III.309 |
—— ficus | III.310 |
—— cacti | III.314 |
Lepidoptera | III.317 |
Papilio Genus | III.321 |
—— brassicæ | III.322 |
—— artemis | III.323 |
—— urticæ | III.325 |
Phalæna Genus | III.329 |
—— mori | III.329 |
—— sarcitella | III.334 |
Libellula Genus | III.347 |
—— grandis | III.338 |
Ephemera Genus | III.341 |
—— vulgata | III.342 |
Myrmeleon Genus | III.346 |
—— formicarius | III.347 |
Hymenoptera. | |
Ichneumon Genus | III.353 |
—— manifestator | III.354 |
Sphex Genus | III.358 |
—— spirifex | III.359 |
—— sabulosa | III.369 |
Ammophila Genus | III.360 |
—— vulgaris | III.360 |
—— cyanea | III.362 |
—— Pensylvannica | III.364 |
Vespa Genus | III.365 |
—— vulgaris | III.366 |
Apis Genus | III.375 |
—— papaveris | III.376 |
—— centuncularis | III.377 |
—— manicata | III.380 |
—— violacea | III.386 |
—— mellifica | III.389 |
—— muscorum | III.398 |
—— lapidaria | III.402 |
Formica Genus | III.402 |
—— saccharivora | III.413 |
Diptera. | |
Oestrus Genus | III.417 |
—— bovis | III.418 |
—— equi | III.421 |
—— ovis | III.424 |
III.612 Tipula Genus | III.425 |
—— tritici | III.425 |
Musca Genus | III.429 |
—— carnaria | III.431 |
—— pumilionis | III.432 |
—— putris | III.434 |
—— chamæleon | III.435 |
—— pendula | III.438 |
Culex Genus | III.442 |
—— pipiens | III.443 |
Aptera. | |
Termes Genus | III.449 |
—— pulsatorium | III.449 |
—— fatale | III.451 |
Pediculus Genus | III.463 |
—— humanus | III.463 |
Pulex Genus | III.466 |
—— irritans | III.466 |
—— penetrans | III.469 |
Acarus Genus | III.471 |
—— siro | III.472 |
—— autumnalis | III.473 |
Aranea Genus | III.474 |
—— domestica | III.475 |
—— horticola | III.480 |
—— viatica | III.484 |
—— scenica | III.484 |
—— aquatica | III.485 |
—— obtextrix? | III.486 |
—— tarantula | III.492 |
—— avicularia | III.494 |
—— nidulans | III.495 |
Scorpio Genus | III.497 |
—— afer | III.498 |
Cancer Genus | III.500 |
—— ruricola | III.501 |
—— pagurus | III.505 |
—— bernhardus | III.508 |
—— gammarus | III.511 |
—— astacus | III.514 |
Scolopendra Genus | III.516 |
—— morsitans | III.516 |
VERMES | III.519 |
Intestina. | |
Tænia Genus | III.520 |
—— solium | III.523 |
Filaria Genus | III.525 |
—— medinensis | III.526 |
Furia Genus | III.528 |
—— infernalis | III.528 |
Gordius Genus | III.530 |
—— aquaticus | III.530 |
Lumbricus Genus | III.532 |
—— terrestris | III.532 |
Hirudo Genus | III.535 |
—— medicinalis | III.535 |
Mollusca. | |
Limax Genus | III.537 |
—— agrestis | III.538 |
Nereis Genus | III.540 |
—— noctiluca | III.540 |
Actinia Genus | III.542 |
—— anemonoides | III.543 |
—— rufa | III.544 |
—— calendula | III.547 |
Sepia Genus | III.549 |
Asterias Genus | III.552 |
—— medusæ | III.553 |
Echinus Genus | III.555 |
—— esculentus | III.555 |
Testacea. | |
Lepas Genus | III.559 |
Pholas Genus | III.560 |
—— dactylus | III.561 |
Solen Genus | III.565 |
Ostrea Genus | III.567 |
—— edulis | III.567 |
—— maxima | III.571 |
Mytilus Genus | III.572 |
—— edulis | III.573 |
—— margaritiferens | III.575 |
Argonauta Genus | III.576 |
—— argo | III.577 |
Helix Genus | III.579 |
—— hortensis | III.585 |
—— pomatia | III.587 |
Zoophyta | III.590 |
Animalcula | III.597 |
Synonyms in the Index are not always spelled the same as in the body text. Unless one of the two is clearly wrong (“domesic cat”), I have left them as I found them.
spelling unchanged, here and below
[Bear Tribe] Joerven
text has Jæerven
[Here and below, if it had been printed “Jærven” I would have left it, but the sequence -æe- is clearly a mistake.]
text has Boqiuira
[Cat Tribe] domestic
text has domesic
[Cavy Tribe] Cochon d’Inde
text has Cochen
Crampfish 123. 215
[Not two separate articles, but two different animals (electric eel, electric ray) with the same synonym.]
Crick à tete et gorge jauné
text has Creck
Crocodile 46. 52
[The second page—here, and again under Lizard—is the Alligator, or “American Crocodile”]
[Dog Tribe] Boshund
text has Boshoud
text has Dottrel
[Frog Tribe] La Crapaud commun
text unchanged
text has Hadock
text has Hippotame
[Hippopotamus Tribe] Hippopotame, ou Cheval marin
text has Hippotame
text has Jæerven
[The entry was alphabetized as (mis)spelled. I have moved it to its proper location.]
[Lark Tribe] allouette
spelling unchanged
[Lemur Tribe] Tailless Macauco
text has Tailles
spelling unchanged; body text has Lievre
[Lizard Tribe] Leguana
text has Leguand
Marigold sea 547
text has 233 [Really.]
[Alphabetized as shown (between Mouton d’Arabie and Mouton de Barbarie).]
[Owl Tribe] Effraie, ou Fresaie 208
page number missing
Pero volador
text has Perovolador
[Pie Tribe] griesche grise
[Printed as shown. The bird’s name is Piegrische grise—a shrike, not a pie—which explains why it is fifty pages away from the surrounding listings.]
Rat Tribe
[Entries under this head were alphabetized as shown.]
[Scolopendra Tribe] Centipede
text has Centepede
Scorpion Tribe 497
text has 479
Sea Eagle 192. 541
[In its previous index listing, under Eagle, the secondary page reference was given as 542.]
Sloth, three-toed 104
text has 103
[This applies to the three sub-entries as well, since they were printed as “ib.”]
[Snake Tribe] Le Lin
text has Lien
[As long as I was correcting typos, I put this and the preceding “Knot” into italics, since they’re both listed in a Synonyms footnote.]
[Sparrow Tribe] Guinea 222
[The page reference is not an error; the “Guinea Sparrow” is a parrot.]
[Tick Tribe] Harvest bug 473
text has 451
[The synonym on the next line, Autumnal acarus, was printed “ib.”, so that would have been wrong too.]
Tourne pierre
[If this Index entry in Volume II had included a page reference, I might have been able to figure out what he means. But it didn’t, so I couldn’t.]
[Warbler Tribe] Cou-jaune
text has Cou-janue
Zebra 112 and vol. 1. 502
[The second page reference means the Appendix]
[Moschus Genus] moschiferus
text has moschiferous
[Ardea Genus] cinerea 452
text has 552
[Anas Genus] erythropus
text has erythopus
[The species name is also misspelled in the main text.]
[Rana Genus] Ocellata??
[Question marks in the original, both here and in the main text (in a Synonyms footnote).]
[Gadus Genus] eglesinus
text unchanged: error for æglefinus
[Scarabæus Genus] auratus 239
text has 209
[Ammophila Genus] Pensylvannica
spelling unchanged
[I don’t think Bingley ever did get this species name right.]
[Aranea Genus] horticola 480
word “horticola” missing
[Since this part of the Index is in strict sequential order, there is no doubt about what was left out.]
[Aranea Genus] obtextrix?
[Question mark in the original. This is the Gossamer Spider, which never did get pinned down to a single binomial.]
Final erratum: At the very end of the book, the printer goofed. Pages 609, 611 and 612 were printed 577, 579 and 580—the numbers these final Index pages had in the first edition. (610, the former 578, escaped because it has a section heading instead of a page number.)
The original of this text is in the public domain—at least in the U.S.
My notes are copyright, as are all under-the-hood elements.
If in doubt, ask.